How to Determine the Best Day to Get Pregnant
For most of them, unfortunately, the many years they have waited have caused much stress and frustration due to the seemingly consistent inability to conceive a baby.
Sometimes, this can be due to a poor lifestyle that does not encourage an environment where conceiving a baby is highly possible.
For women, smoking, drinking and taking certain drugs, for instance, can lower the chances of getting pregnant.
However, the sad truth is that for some others, the best day to get pregnant is harder to pinpoint as they are either infertile or have other health problems that hinder or lower their chances of conceiving.
However, learning about the best day to get pregnant in general is still a useful thing to know as many couples conceive miracle babies through the different methods they have tried.
The most important thing is to be aware of one's body as it often subtly gives off signs and symptoms that it is indeed at the right place and time to be able to conceive.
When you are able to be sensitive enough to detect that you have the perfect opportunity to try, seize the day and go for it.
There are various means to identify the best day to get pregnant for you.
Most of these methods are natural, meaning they don't make use of any drugs or fertility medicines to make your body ready and prepared to conceive.
One of the ways in which you can figure this out is via your basal body temperature.
During the time of ovulation, your body reacts by spiking up in terms of temperature, and these are the days you need to watch out for.
These normally are the next few days after your ovulation day (for those who have a 28-day cycle, this normally falls on the fourteenth day), and these signify great days to try and conceive a baby.
Of course, ovulation in itself is one of the times when it is the best day to get pregnant.
It is much easier when you have your periods normally on the same times of the month, and if your cycle normally lasts a certain number of days.
However, if you do not fall under this category, then there is a mathematical way to figure out when your ovulation day is.
The first thing you'll need to do is identify how long your cycle lasts, then subtract 14 days from the date of when your next period is due to begin.
The best times to try to conceive are the 3 days preceding this date.
To make it easier for you, purchase an ovulation calendar that you can use to keep track of your period and to identify any changes in your cycle that might affect your ovulation day.
The best day to get pregnant really varies among couples, and sometimes, all it takes is a little more awareness and education on their part so that they know when their chances are higher.
The key is just to find and identify that golden window of opportunity when their likelihood to conceive increases, and to take advantage of that opportunity.
Also, by knowing their body like the back of their hand and being more sensitive to the signs they give off, couples will save themselves the frustration of trying to conceive on a day when their chances are quite low.