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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

17 Weeks Pregnant

This is the belly gallery for the second trimester.

The Uterus - How Does It Affect Fertility?

How does the Uterus affect fertility and what can you do to make sure that you get pregnant? Are you like lots of women who have been trying to conceive for over a year but without success? Are you starting to loose your temper over the smallest of things?

Early Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms - Tips To Identify It

With a normal pregnancy the fertilised egg goes from the tubes to the uterus where it grows until it is a full term baby. This is not so in an ectopic pregnancy, when because of a problem with the tu

Pregnancy and prenatal vitamins

WebMD helps you understand why prenatal vitamins are important for your health and the health of your unborn baby during pregnancy.

Are You Over 40 and Trying to Conceive a Baby?

Trying to conceive a baby over 40 can present a few extra problems as fertility decreases with age. You may consider seeking help as soon as you decide to try to get pregnant, or you may want to wait a few months to see if it happens naturally.

How Long Can You Store Sperm at a Sperm Bank?

Lengthy But LimitedThe standard storage time for sperm to be frozen is 10 years. While this number may be surpassed if you wish, it is on average the longest you may choose to store it when you first make your donation.Possibly IndefinitelySperm can be frozen and stored at a sperm bank...

Top Books on Infant Sleep

Baby sleeping well is something most parents really want and quickly. Books and products to help get your baby to sleep through the night.

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy

Lower back pain is almost a 'normal' problem in the initial stage of pregnancy. It is, in fact, a reason to smile because it is the first sign that you are pregnant. But it becomes a matter of concern if it persists as the pregnancy advances. The pain becomes very annoying and frustrating

Designing Homemade Baby Shower Invitations

Baby shower invitations don't have to be fancy, engraved announcements in order to be appreciated. Something personal and homemade can also be a great choice. During the past decade many people have begun making their ...

How Early Pregnancy Tests Work

Home pregnancy tests indicate whether a woman is pregnant or not. Before pregnancy tests, the first indication of pregnancy was a missed period. Unfortunately, there is still no technology that can indicate whether a woman is pregnant many days sooner than a missed period, but this technology is evo

What Are the Herbs to Get Pregnant?

And if you want to try a natural approach to boost your fertility, herbs are the best option. There are so many herbs to get pregnant. In fact, most of these have been in use centuries ago by our ancestors. What are the different herbs to get pregnant? Read here for more.

Pregnancy and Acne

A woman goes through a lot of changes inside the body during pregnancy. The most difficult but not so noticeable is the hormonal changes.