10 Reasons to Stop Smoking You Haven"t Thought Of

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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Safe Ways to Stop Smoking During Pregnancy

If you think that quitting the cancer stick during your pregnancy will just add to your stress levels, you are right. Of course, it would not be easy. However, those stress levels are better, than to actually have you and your baby suffer other medical conditions because of your smoking...


Smoking is a serious health hazard. People are usually misled by the fact that cigarettes are sold legally and they are not fully aware how dangerous, addictive and fatal they can be. Smoking causes various ...

Smoking Since the Age of 16

Starting at age 16, Luisa smoked for many years and tried numerous times to quit. This is how she finally did it.

Why Quit Smoking After Doing it For So Long?

Most smokers wish they had never started. But it's not easy to quit so they often come up with excuses to avoid even trying. A common one is that they've been smoking so long that the damage is already done, so why bother quitting. The fact is, it's never too late and there are some v

Rehabs Centers Following Evidence Based Treatment For Addiction Recoveries

Addictions from alcohol, drug, heroin, opiate, cocaine, etc are rapidly getting increased with every new day. Simultaneously, alcohol rehab center are also getting established across the country with every coming day. However, only few rehab centers are able to cure patients efficiently due to follo

An Effective All-In-One Way To Quit Smoking

Chantix, or varenicline, is a medicament, which is used by adults who wants to stop smoking. It is an outstanding medication that has given more effective help to smokers in the quest to quit smoking than any other preparation on the market. It should be taken over a period of twelve weeks.

To Purchase, Shall Be Included In The Spray NO2

I knew must be a next-generation technology for the new spray evaporator is worth us having to actually be Vapir name when we've created. To do this jump was saying your suggestions, he desig

Stop Smoking Using Laser Treatments

Have you been looking for an easier way to stop smoking and can't find a solution. You have tried all of the treatment, you may have even worn the patch, chewed the gum and done every thing imaginable, and however nothing can take away from the nagging cravings for a smoke. However, the good ne

Smoking Chewing Tobacco - Is it Less Dangerous?

Some people, instead of smoking are chewing tobacco. One of the oldest methods of consuming tobacco leaves, chewing was most prevalent until the early 20th century when smoking became more popular.

E Cigarettes Pros and Cons

E cigarettes are becoming more and more popular nowadays and are slowly taking the place of conventional cigarettes - and for good reason. if you want to know what the e cigarettes pros and cons are,

Preventing Drugged Driving

While the rates of drunk driving and highway fatalities related to alcohol have been declining in recent years, the rates of drugged driving have been increasing.

Smoking During Pregnancy - Effects of Smoking on Unborn Children

Smoking while pregnant puts both mother's and baby's life at risk. Cigarette smoke contains a cocktail of drugs and poisons which are very harmful to your unborn baby. It also reduces the oxygen level in your blood, which deprives your baby of oxygen and can cause a host of health problems

Quit Smoking Medications - Methods to Quit Smoking

There are many types of smoking cessation medications available to help you quit smoking. Its advantage of using medication to quit smoking to increase your chances of quitting permanently. We will sh