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Environmental : Health & Medical
Erosion Control - Protect Lives, Property and the Quality of Life
Erosion is defined as the movement of rock, soil, mud, or other ground components due to water, wind, or gravity.Erosion is a natural occurrence that can contribute to the health of an ecosystem - however, human land use or severe weather conditions often cause erosion to happen at a rapid speed.
Save Earth by Adopting Green Printing Strategies
Throughout world, people are taking various steps to go eco-friendly. There are various non-profit organizations conducting programs to tell people as to what steps they can take in day to day life to go green.
Is BP to Blame?
No one takes the blame for his or her mistakes any more. Oil is gushing into the Gulf of Mexico and instead of accepting responsibility and finding a way to stop the flow BP is playing the blame game.
Cutting CO2 Emissions By Greening Taxes?
Enjoying the benefits of an industrialised society has resulted in the UK having to come to terms with the climate damage being caused by high CO2 emissions. This will probably lead to the UK government snatching at more of the old solutions for redressing the behaviour of its citizens,namely fiscal
The Sustainable Path
What is "sustainability" all about? What do we have to do to become sustainable? The answer is really simple and to put sustainable practice into effect is really, really simple.
Fair Trade Textiles - 5 Good Reasons to Buy Them
Fair Trade has come a long way and fair trade products such as tea and coffee are ubiquitous on the supermarket shelves. But why aren't we buying more fair trade textiles?
Walt Disney World is Fueled For the Future
For the Walt Disney World Resort, the road to a greener tomorrow may be closer than we think. That's because many vehicles used throughout property are becoming more and more environmentally friendly.
Why We Need Alternate Energy
Have you ever thought about "why we need alternate energy"? With recent disasters, oil spills, and the constant assault on our atmosphere from power plant emissions, it is know wonder we need to look else where for energy sources. The recent earthquake in Japan has made us really take a ha
Overview of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan - SWPPP
Businesses in specific industries must develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) Plan.A SWPP identifies potential sources of pollution that may affect the quality of storm water discharges from a facility.
Incorporating Green Building Management
We are becoming increasingly aware of the impact our buildings and structures have on the environment. Because of this, our way of constructing and managing buildings and properties has advanced. Green building is the practice of using energy efficient materials to construct a sustainable structure
Different Ways to Recycle
One of the most fundamental things we can do to help the environment and be as eco-friendly as we can is to recycle. Recycling makes a direct impact on the world around us as it reduces the amount of waste that builds up on ever-increasing landfill sites and costs in both energy and money to transpo
Why Are Plastic Bags So Harmful to Our Environment?
The environment on earth is a highly sensitive eco-system, and so many man-made objects can throw it out of balance and cause long lasting harm and damage. One such man-made material is plastic, and so the question lies: why are plastic bags so harmful to our environment?
How to Go Green With Eco Friendly Products
The "go green" movement isn't just a fad that is going away in a couple of years. Going green is the progressive way of thinking and living because our environment is in bad shape, and it's getting worse. The best way to begin living in a more eco friendly manner is by using eco
Going Green! What Does it Really Mean?
You hear a lot of talk about saving the environment in the news, on talk shows and just about everywhere you turn these days. Terms like "green friendly", "green energy" and "green technology" are often used among others. What do these "green" terms really mea
The Tension Between Climate Change and Development
There is little doubt that our planet's climate is undergoing massive changes. Further exacerbating this problem is the increasing development of second and third world countries, for as they become more profitable, greenhouse gas emissions inevitably increase.
Challenges Faced By Australian Farm Hobbyist
Weather in Victoria is often windy and changeable. Without windbreaks plants will quickly be damaged. Most of southern Australia has had below average rainfall and it is necessary to establish an effective water harvesting system. Lastly, the farmer must put in place effective control measures
Dealing With the Potentially Devastating Effects of Water Pollution
Have you ever thought about what you're actually doing when you run that chemical bathtub cleaner down your drain? The far-reaching effects of that one small action, when coupled with the similar actions of millions of other people worldwide, can help create water pollution that even the latest
Make an Impact - But Not on the Environment
An examination of the steps even the smallest businesses can take in order to help prevent their impact on the environment. The more affordable side of sustainable sourced materials.
Be on the Lookout For This Devastating Tree Beetle - The Asian Longhorned Beetle
The Asian longhorned beetle is on the move. recently discovered in Massachusets, all of New England is on alert for this invasive beetle.
China's Nuclear Submarines Interfering With Mammalian Sea Life
The Chinese have a few old Russian Nuclear Submarines, most all military analysts laugh about this, because the Russians truly sold the Chinese a bunch of floating junk. Worse, these Russian submarines are a maintenance nightmare, and they make noise underwater that seriously harms mammalian sea lif