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Movies : Society & Culture & Entertainment

'Boogeyman 3' (2009)

Details on the horror movie sequel 'Boogeyman 3: Hammond Hall', directed by Gary Jones.

Christina Hendricks Photo

Christina Hendricks photo from the premiere of Drive held on June 17, 2011 at the LA Film Festival.

3D Movie Review: A Good Indicator of a Movie's Fate

The people's reception of the 3d films made is really crucial and really important for those who created the motion pictures. If a movie garners a lot of positive responses or reviews, then it would ...

African Cinema Should Go Digital to Discover More Lupitas

Nothing has raised as much furore in Kenya and beyond as the controversial Media Bill. While the government of Kenya insists that it wants to rein in "bad journalism in all its forms," for producers of local content like film makers, it is a case of pointing fingers with a log in the eye.

The troll hunter movie review

The film centers on a crew of students who set out to document a potential bear poacher. What they find instead is a government conspiracy and a man whose job it is to keep the trolls of Norway out of

The Best Surround Sound Films

Surround sound helps bring the theater-going experience to your own image by Luisafer from Fotolia.comA home theater built with surround sound places you in the middle of a movie. The entire soundtrack, from music to dialogue to sound effects, reverberates as if you were...

'Gangster Squad' Movie Trailers

Trailers for Gangster Squad, the dramatic movie based on true events and starring Josh Brolin, Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, and Emma Stone.

Academy Award Party Favor Ideas

Oscar parties are very enjoyable, even if the movie you're rooting for doesn't win. It's always nice having a few friends over to snark at the outfits, marvel at the clips and discuss how much better the awards would be if only the Academy would listen to you. You can make the evening even more memo

German Horror Movies

A history of German horror movies, from 'Nosferatu' to Uwe Boll.

'Last Vegas' Cast List

Last Vegas cast list, running time, MPAA rating, and release date info for this comedy movie starring Robert De Niro and Morgan Freeman.