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Depression : Health & Medical

List of Foods That Fight Depression Symptoms

If ever this happens to you or to someone you know, you must know how to fight it. You can get rid of depression to a lot of natural ways and one of that is through the choice of foods. There are certain types of food groups that will help you get rid of depression.

Are You Making the Most Out of Your Mistakes?

Mistakes. We all make them, yet none of us want to admit it, at least not to others. Instead, many of us grapple with our mistake behind the scenes, and we don't always do so in ways that are healthy to our self-esteem and personal development.

Phone-Based Therapy Helps Depressed Patients

A novel approach to the treatment of depression that combines psychotherapy by telephone with antidepressant medication could benefit many depressed people who are currently not being helped, new research shows.

Anxiety Depression

Mixed anxiety depression disorder is a relatively new diagnostic category that identifies patients who exhibit signs of both anxiety and depressive symptoms of some or equal intensity and which is also accompanied by at least some physical manifestations.A National Comorbidity Survey found fifty eig

A Comprehensive Introduction To The Depression Signs And Symptoms

Depression is, rightly, characterised by a sustained period of unhappiness yet many symptoms of depression are not linked to the idea of depression in many people's minds. People often say they are 'feeling depressed' when, actually, they are feeling nothing of the sort and are merely

How to Spot the Signs and Symptoms of Depression

The symptoms of depression are often subtle at first.The two most significant symptoms of depression are Sadness or Hopelessness.However there are other symptoms of depression.

Lafayette Louisiana Counselors Helping Hand

Are you fed up of the daily disputes in your relationship and marriage? Do you wish that all your problems get solved once and for all? Is your relation giving you headache, anxiety, sadness, sleepless night, depression and absent mind? In our busy life, we forget to the finer but the most important

The Facts on Herbal Depression Treatment

First the facts on the anti depressant medications used at the moment. Progress has been madein that the older type of medicines the tricyclic (or TCAs such as Tofranil and Ahafranil) led to bladder problems, drowsiness and sexual dysfunction, have now been mostly replaced with the SSRIs. Doctors no

Caution: St. John's Wort Ingredients Vary

The amount of active ingredient in several brands of St. John's wort varies greatly, new research shows. In fact, you could be taking more than what is stated on the label.

How to Cure Depression

Depression is nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes the feeling can be so intense that it might even start to cause physical pain, not just emotional. Some victims of depression have described it as being difficult to get out of bed. And at times, some just can't stop crying.

How I Recovered From Depression

I had suffered from depression for 20 years unable to lift the black cloud for any length of time. I had tried various ways always coming back to the GP and anti depressants. A chance meeting changed my life in many ways one of the side effects being the banishing of my depression and the discoverin

Suffering From Depression? Help is Available

Depression is quite a common mental illness among people. Every year millions get affected all over the world from severe to mild forms of depression. According to a study women are more susceptible to depression. Suffering from depression puts a big break on your daily activities. Depressed person

Recognizing Depression

Symptoms of depression are feelings of sadness, hopelessness, pessimism, and a general loss of interest in life; combined with a sense of reduced emotional well-being.

How Faulty Thinking Contributes to Depression

Since the late 1960's mental health experts have been successfully using cognitive behavioral therapy to provide much needed help for depression. This approach to treating major depressive disorders is based on the premise that faulty thinking such as negative "self-talk", exaggeratio

Teenage Depression - Mental Health and The End of Hypocrisy

The new generation has to take the masks off the faces of the crazy hypocrites that keep trying to hide what is absurd and dangerous, pretending that they are our heroes and everything is fine the way it is now. This generation has to care for the roots of human suffering and solve all the problems