July 13
Updated October 21, 2014.
Carol D. Says:
I read a book "Under The Influence" by Milam and Ketcham that proved to my satisfaction that I suffer from a deadly progressive disease. That information... coupled with a new resolve to follow the tenets of AA has been my salvation. Each day without alcohol is a victory. My depression left quickly once I cleared my mind and body of booze. My life is full of purpose and joy.
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs.
Some are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!
Carol D. Says:
I read a book "Under The Influence" by Milam and Ketcham that proved to my satisfaction that I suffer from a deadly progressive disease. That information... coupled with a new resolve to follow the tenets of AA has been my salvation. Each day without alcohol is a victory. My depression left quickly once I cleared my mind and body of booze. My life is full of purpose and joy.
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs.
Some are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!