How Diabetics Can Utilize A Continuous Glucose Monitor
If you are a diabetic needing a way to keep a constant check on your glucose levels, your solution lies in the continuous glucose monitor.
Diabetes is on the rise for numerous reasons. Anything from poor eating habits to lack of exercise to stress may be involved. And of course the genes passed to us through our mothers and fathers also plays a part. And if diabetics want to ward off a number of potentially serious complications of the condition, it is imperative that they keep a detailed watch on their blood sugar levels.
Most diabetics simply cannot make it to the doctor as often as they should. That's just a result of a normal busy life. And there are occasions when we need more than a periodic check of our levels with an ordinary home meter. It is in times like these that the continuous glucose monitor really comes in handy.
Diabetics can now take 288 measurements of glucose daily with the latest device. You can basically go about the business of living even as your levels are being recorded constantly.
A blood sugar sensor is placed under the skin by your abdomen. This sensor will chronicle your levels continuously over a three day period. The procedure would in no way hamper your day to day actions in the home or at work, while the whole procedure is easy and painless.
The continuous glucose monitor would measure the level of glucose every ten seconds and wire transfer the information to a pager like mechanism that's fastened to your waist. For a three day period this pager like gadget records information in 5 minute intervals.
The checking of your levels is safely and automatically left in the hands of the device. On the basis of available records you can call your doctor or take the drugs prescribed.
Typical glucose checks are not going to get replaced by this device, at least not any time soon. The continuous glucose monitor is not designed or approved for long term use. That definitely is a possibility for the future however. In a nutshell, this isn't something you can expect to wear everyday. Instead, it's basically a diagnostic device that would allow you to keep a tab on the trends of your blood sugar level. And that means that with this precise information available, your medical professional can take whatever actions are necessary to help you stay healthy. With the scientific records and trends right there in front of him, his decisions will likely be more on target. After 3 days the data is stored with your medical service provider and uploaded to a computer.
Diabetes is called the silent killer. The glucose levels of a diabetic can go up or down at any time without warning. For many people, their levels drop too low as they sleep. Now there is a way to find out. This is the type of pattern and data which was not easily available before the continuous glucose monitor. Your wellbeing is in danger if you're diabetic and don't know what is happening inside your body at all times. It's you and your medical professional who can both benefit with accurate and continuous information of the varying trends with the help of a continuous glucose monitor.
Diabetes is on the rise for numerous reasons. Anything from poor eating habits to lack of exercise to stress may be involved. And of course the genes passed to us through our mothers and fathers also plays a part. And if diabetics want to ward off a number of potentially serious complications of the condition, it is imperative that they keep a detailed watch on their blood sugar levels.
Most diabetics simply cannot make it to the doctor as often as they should. That's just a result of a normal busy life. And there are occasions when we need more than a periodic check of our levels with an ordinary home meter. It is in times like these that the continuous glucose monitor really comes in handy.
Diabetics can now take 288 measurements of glucose daily with the latest device. You can basically go about the business of living even as your levels are being recorded constantly.
A blood sugar sensor is placed under the skin by your abdomen. This sensor will chronicle your levels continuously over a three day period. The procedure would in no way hamper your day to day actions in the home or at work, while the whole procedure is easy and painless.
The continuous glucose monitor would measure the level of glucose every ten seconds and wire transfer the information to a pager like mechanism that's fastened to your waist. For a three day period this pager like gadget records information in 5 minute intervals.
The checking of your levels is safely and automatically left in the hands of the device. On the basis of available records you can call your doctor or take the drugs prescribed.
Typical glucose checks are not going to get replaced by this device, at least not any time soon. The continuous glucose monitor is not designed or approved for long term use. That definitely is a possibility for the future however. In a nutshell, this isn't something you can expect to wear everyday. Instead, it's basically a diagnostic device that would allow you to keep a tab on the trends of your blood sugar level. And that means that with this precise information available, your medical professional can take whatever actions are necessary to help you stay healthy. With the scientific records and trends right there in front of him, his decisions will likely be more on target. After 3 days the data is stored with your medical service provider and uploaded to a computer.
Diabetes is called the silent killer. The glucose levels of a diabetic can go up or down at any time without warning. For many people, their levels drop too low as they sleep. Now there is a way to find out. This is the type of pattern and data which was not easily available before the continuous glucose monitor. Your wellbeing is in danger if you're diabetic and don't know what is happening inside your body at all times. It's you and your medical professional who can both benefit with accurate and continuous information of the varying trends with the help of a continuous glucose monitor.