Diabetes - Is There a Cure?

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At present, there are about three hundred and forty seven million (347M) diabetic persons struggling to live normally despite of the fact that every 10 seconds 1 person dies.
According to World Health Organization (WHO) they have documented 98% increase of diabetes cases yearly.
Most of those diabetes cases are reported from developing countries.
Therefore, WHO had a prediction that by year 2030, diabetes would place top 7 in the causes of human death.
What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a state wherein the human body failed to utilize glucose properly.
Therefore, the quantity of glucose found in the human blood stream is extremely high.
This is happen because the pancreas fails to produce not enough insulin or no insulin production at all.
Insulin is responsible for helping the glucose to enter the body cells.
There are also cases wherein the produced insulin does not able to work as it should be.
There are two known types of diabetes which includes the following:
  1. Type I Diabetes formerly known as the "juvenile diabetes" because it occurs during early childhood.
    But now, due to its known mechanisms, it is medically known as Diabetes Mellitus, wherein the word "mel" in mellitus means honey.
    Because of incapability to produce insulin, the blood contains high amount of glucose and becomes sweet connoting to honey.
  2. Type II Diabetes or therapeutically known as diabetes insipidus.
    Wherein the word "insipid" means insufficient as the insulin produced by human body with this type of diabetes.
    They do produced insulin but not enough to meet the body requirements.
    They are also known to be non-insulin dependent case.
Is there a Cure for Diabetes? Researchers and scientists are still in the verge of looking and searching for real diabetes cure.
Many studies had positive results in improving the life of one diabetic person.
However the cure remains elusive, concrete scientific evidences are still in process because every diabetes cases differ from each other.
On the other hand, there are various medical and herbal treatments available in the market that is proven to be beneficial for individuals with diabetes.
These treatments aim to regulate the amount of glucose in the human blood stream.
Oral, intravenous and intramuscular treatments are widely available today.
For positive outcome of the treatment, proper dosing and administration must be followed.
Diabetes treatment should be accompanied with proper diet and daily exercise.
Diabetes alone is not deadly, the complications associated with it is the one that you be worried about.
A person with diabetes should be knowledgeable enough on how to handle the said disease.
Concrete information of his/her condition is vital for him/her to live normally.
What Should be Avoided? Person with this kind of condition should be able to eat well balanced meal, avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars.
A diabetic person is already prone to develop high blood pressure, therefore oily and fatty foods must be avoided as well.
They are also tends to become obese, so proper and regular exercise is a must.
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