Jobs, socialism, communism, & fascism are not 5th dimensional realities
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
At the moment, our planet appears to hover on the edge of a steep cliff from which we are about to plunge into the dark, rocky unknown. The cry for jobs is heartfelt … the threat of socialism, communism, fascism frightening.
What do these terms actually mean? A job is something we regularly perform in exchange for wages and in accordance with someone else's guidelines as to how we perform that job. We may or may not enjoy our job, but hang onto it because our 3rd dimensional reality tells us "jobs are scarce." We view ourselves as dependent upon others to provide us a job. Although we may yearn to follow another occupation, we most often grit our teeth and work on our job until we can retire. We put in our time, as we often explain with a sense of resignation to life as it appears to be.
Socialism is a word Americans throw around a lot—a dirty, dirty word. Socialism is defined by Merriam-Webster as collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. The characteristics of the collective or government will determine the quality of socialism. We participate in many collectives and governmental forms of socialism and think nothing of it because we call them co-ops, churches/synagogues/mosques, national parks, Social Security, Veterans' benefits, Medicare, Medicaid.
Communism is a term that sends shivers down our spine. Merriam-Webster defines communism as a system that advocates the elimination of private property and in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed. We live with all types of communism and think nothing of it: religious convents and monasteries, the Jewish kibbutz in Israel, communes, even the ancient Essene Community at Qumran, Israel in which Jesus was a very familiar figure.
Fascism reminds us of Hitler and we quake in fear. Merriam-Webster defines fascism as exalting the state—and often race—above the individual, a centralized government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. After 9/11, Americans lived with fascist-like attitudes. Patriotism and no criticism of our leaders were dominant qualities. Affirmation that: I am a patriot took precedence over objectively searching for the truth regarding 9/11. The public's vehement opposition to anyone presenting a story differing from our government's official statement held silent those who dared search for explanations and a more positive means by which to deal with conflict. Many declare themselves to be patriots in compliance with the mob psychology into which democracies are so prone to descend. Many have targeted Muslims as the objects of hate and fear. Americans have created for themselves many characteristics of fascism and continue to live by them.
Thus, in one form or another, Earth humans have personally experienced each of the above: a job, socialism, communism, and fascism.
The eternal part of ourselves, the Soul, remembers a time when life was idyllic. That's why we strive to create better lives for ourselves. Accepting jobs as the only option available and the formation of these ideologies have been attempts to reclaim that idyllic life. All have missed the mark because they were created on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality, by individuals who—within themselves—were a mixture of varying degrees of good and evil.
2011-2012 proclaims a new Way of Life. Into this mixture of political ideologies experienced in countries around our planet, the converging of cycles of time into one huge leap forward for Earth humans requires us to leave behind all our preconceived ideas and to create a 5th dimensional, galactic society on Earth. Our galactic family will join us … teach us the characteristics of a galactic society … share their technology … assist us in healing ourselves and the planet in preparation for ascension to the 5th dimension of consciousness.
New concepts will increasingly be introduced to an Earth society that has existed for thousands of years while utilizing only about 10% of our brain power. We have believed ourselves to be the only intelligent beings in Creator God's vast cosmos. Competition … survival of the fittest … the haves and have-nots … God as a distant entity, separate from us and on whom we blame our personal and environmental suffering—all of these beliefs and folkways must be left behind.
To leave behind life as we have known it and be open to creating a new and better society demands a total revamping of all that is familiar to us. The recent debt crisis in Washington, D.C. provided a vivid several weeks portrayal of the futility of continuing to do things the old way. A peaceful, loving society cannot be built upon a foundation of winners and losers, haves and have nots. Life on the 5th dimension is not an eternal football game in which we root for one team and celebrate the loss of another. We must give up all that has caused us pain, deprivation, and loss of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We must awaken to the ways by which we have been manipulated, used, and shackled—awaken to our true state as sovereign beings.
Heretofore, the various modes of government and organizations have been given names: democracy, republic, socialism, communism, fascism according to the particular characteristics assigned to them. Within our minds, we encase each category behind impenetrable walls that will not allow leakage of qualities from one classification to another. We think, "Leakage is bad." We forget that all these forms have been attempts to create a well-functioning society on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality that houses good and evil.
Jobs were created to assist the employer in accomplishing his goal. Little thought is given to workers and the resulting ability for them to pursue happiness. Jobs are a means of control, to render the workers dependent upon the whims of the employer. In the majority of cases, personal creativity is stifled unless it directly improves the state of the employer. The ever-present threat of losing my job keeps workers in line and numb to possibilities of self-fulfillment. When workers do lose their jobs, they feel cast aside, helpless. It can be devastating to self-esteem because we are judged by the jobs we hold.
A 5th dimensional galactic society will be very different. Negativity no longer exists. Suffering of any kind ceases. However, we must first create this society, using the new concepts being revealed to us. These concepts will resemble many that we have heretofore categorized as socialism, communism, or fascism. The difference will be that we are creating a 5th dimensional society in which they cannot be tainted by egos, manipulation, or power struggles.
The first of these concepts is, We are One. We achieve this community of Oneness by moving beyond all discrimination, regardless of the reason, and recognizing the equal value of every individual. At present, discrimination still plays a huge role in our planetary society. It must cease.
The second concept is, We are every one a sovereign being. All are granted—by our Creator God—the same inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. At present, this may translate into the basic rights of all to health care, to have meaningful input into the work setting, and to be recognized as the integral parts of society all are.
The third concept is, Every human being has a role to play in unfolding the Divine Plan for Earth. No one else can play the divinely given role of another individual. A 5th dimensional galactic society honors the Divine Plan by allowing every one to follow the vocation to which he/she feels led. Individual Astrological Soul Maps mirror the Divine Plan and act as the determining factor in guiding each child into the vocation that best fulfills the talents and yearnings of the individual and the Divine Plan. Jobs will no longer exist.
The fourth concept is, There is no lack. Within each of us resides the power to manifest abundance. At present, we experience lack because we believe in it as one of the illusions that characterizes the 3rd dimension. We may begin the process of creating an abundant society for all by allowing the old financial system, on which the world economies are presently based, to collapse and instituting a new financial system that is fair to every human being. Within a few years, money as we know it will become obsolete. As we work with our galactic family in healing the earth, there will once more be an abundance of healthy foods and clean water. There will be no more extremes of weather, no more need for fossil fuels.
The fifth concept is, There is no private property. As we learn to manifest whatever we desire, there is no need for private property as we understand it today. As sovereign beings, we will possess the capacity to manifest a beautiful home wherever we are for as long as we choose. All is energy and can be returned to the creative ethers anytime.
The sixth concept is Cooperation, not competition, in accordance with the Divine Plan. No more political parties to compete with each other; no more power struggles, no more selfish ego manipulations. Our leaders are to be chosen solely on the basis of their willingness and capacity to lead by following the Divine Plan for Earth. Spiritual maturity determines their readiness. We are to evolve out of religions as we presently know them. Because our leaders will be divinely qualified to lead according to God's Plan for Earth, citizens can accept them as fulfilling their role in the Divine Design and freely cooperate with them.
The seventh concept is Worldwide Peace. Wars and their systemic causes will cease to exist. There can be no violence—psychological or physical—on the 5th dimension. Peacekeeping forces may be needed for a few years as we create our galactic society, but not permanently.
The eighth concept is, All is Love. Love for all human beings is the foundation for government and its policies. Children are reared in an atmosphere of love and appreciation for who they are as individuals. To engage in the Arts—music, art, drama—will be an integral part of life. Opportunities to learn will be endless and freely given. Government and parenting are centered upon developing each human being to their fullest capacity.
The ninth concept is Service freely given to all. Selfless service is recognized as a means to evolve spiritually and is freely given. Service is also the way in which we participate in the unfolding of the Divine Plan.
The tenth concept is, Divine Spirit permeates all things. Every facet of nature, every human being is known to be Divine Spirit in manifestation. No longer will we treat the Earth or anything on it as not worthy of honor and appreciation.
As you can see in the summary of characteristics of the 5th dimension, they contain facets of the prior, multiple efforts Earth humans have made to govern. It is important to remember that all 3rd dimensional activities are created within a mixture of good and evil and therefore reap adverse effects, as well as some good.
Earth humans are also manipulated by the use of slogans, names, and tightly contained categories. For example, "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" was the slogan many politicians used in the 2010 elections. They got elected because Americans naively believed them. It is incumbent upon all citizens to see through the political slogans and seek the truth about each politician's intentions once in office.
The next months may be filled with confusion, chaos, and the need for discernment. We can best deal with the multiple changes taking place by learning to think and discern truth for ourselves … by understanding that our present political environment was created by imperfect beings … and by being open to learn and adopt the new conceptscharacterizing the 5th dimension.
Together, creating cooperatively, Earth humans will manifest a new 5th dimensional galactic society on Earth! Together, in love and peace, we will rejoice!