Tips to Building a Cheap House or Rumah Murah But Not Cheap
How To Build A Home Cheap But Good results:
1. Building a house in the location that the price of land is still affordable, usually on the outskirts of the city. But first survey whether the region will we choose to build a house has easy access, such as near a highway or other road access.
2. Select the price of materials or building materials as cheap as possible, but should still have a good quality. You can find information on the price of building materials from some stores, then compare and select the most inexpensive. Find out if there are discounts for building materials. Although sometimes the amount of goods at a discount is limited, you can combine it with other goods. Such as ceramics, ceramic in small amounts discount you can use it as an ornament or a pattern on the floor.
3. Build at the right times, in order to save the budget to build a house. Sometimes found prices of building materials or building energy costs more expensive than the normal price, for example, on holidays or when a national holiday. So avoid a plan to build a house in these times, because it can make the higher cost of construction of houses.
4. Plan your home design as much as possible to make savings, the things that can reduce development budget home as house size, number of rooms, the selection of building materials and the like.
5. Create a complete house plans before building the house, as this can save time for builders in implementing that process of building a home can be quickly and precisely. Besides making of a good house plans are also useful to prevent disassembly due to the form of the house that is not in accordance with the taste.
6. Select a builder or contractor professionals who are experts in their fields, of course this can save processing time and the cost of construction of the house. Because tanaga done by experts who really able to realize the dream home a nice suit you and your family.
7. Choose a minimalist home design or simple, because these designs do not have a lot of space but still provides a modern impression. The size of a small house that is not a problem, as far as you can set the exact placement of the room so that the house look spacious. Create a room that has a dual function to save the land, for example, once the family room living room or kitchen can also be used sebgai dining room.
8. Of course there are many tips to build a house with low cost, good build your dream home.