Muscle Weight Training
When it comes to fitness and health there are so many different ways to try and better your own development.
You can eat healthier to potentially live longer, you can eat certain foods to prevent and sometimes cure diseases, you can exercise to maintain the body you have, you can exercise to lose weight, you can exercise to gain muscle mass, and the list goes on and on.
The focus of this article is on gaining muscle mass, hence the title muscle weight training.
So what is muscle weight training? Muscle weight training is a form of exercise that if implemented correctly can increase muscle growth and strength.
Now I know most females don't want to gain muscle, or the thought of being muscular scares them, but don't think that just because you do muscle weight training that your body will start looking like a rugged boulder.
That couldn't be farther from the truth.
What you can do is train enough so that your strength can increase while decreasing body fat, and still have a lean fit (not so muscular) body.
The key to the ignition in this formula is what you eat.
If you want to gain muscle mass you are going to fill your daily menu with tons of protein and healthy calories while muscle training at the same time.
If you are trying to maintain what you got, then you will have a high carb diet while muscle weight training at the same time.
Now nutrition and foods are a completely different topic that would need an entire separate article just to cover all the details so I am going to leave it at that for now, but don't think that eating isn't important, in fact eating is everything when it comes to muscle weight training.
The best thing you can do when muscle weight training is to come up with a whole new routine every month.
Still work out the same muscle groups, but switch up the exercises that you do.
The reason for this is to eliminate the "plateau" effect of doing the same exercises for an extended amount of time.
The human body after a while will grow accustomed to the workouts you are doing and will reach a plateau phase to which it won't react to at all or very little.
To avoid this you just switch up your workout routines once a month.
Now this is a tip for the onces interested in gaining muscle mass.
This is not something you will do if you are trying to maintain the body you have or lose weight.
Right after a workout the body is in a "recovery state" in which it tries to get all the nutrients it can out of your body.
So therefore immediately following a workout would be the absolute best time to intake a lot of protein(the feeder of muscle growth).
You can either eat foods with high protein such as pasta, or you can use a whey powder supplement and mix it with some low fat milk, for a really good protein boost.
As for woman, or others who do not want to gain muscle mass the same will hold true.
The body will be at a recovery state immediately following a workout, but instead of having a high protein intake, you will want consume a lot of carbohydrates with few or no calories.
Carbohydrates help to increase the speed of the recovery state of the body.
This way your body will be fully recovered a lot quicker than someone with a high protein intake.
You can eat healthier to potentially live longer, you can eat certain foods to prevent and sometimes cure diseases, you can exercise to maintain the body you have, you can exercise to lose weight, you can exercise to gain muscle mass, and the list goes on and on.
The focus of this article is on gaining muscle mass, hence the title muscle weight training.
So what is muscle weight training? Muscle weight training is a form of exercise that if implemented correctly can increase muscle growth and strength.
Now I know most females don't want to gain muscle, or the thought of being muscular scares them, but don't think that just because you do muscle weight training that your body will start looking like a rugged boulder.
That couldn't be farther from the truth.
What you can do is train enough so that your strength can increase while decreasing body fat, and still have a lean fit (not so muscular) body.
The key to the ignition in this formula is what you eat.
If you want to gain muscle mass you are going to fill your daily menu with tons of protein and healthy calories while muscle training at the same time.
If you are trying to maintain what you got, then you will have a high carb diet while muscle weight training at the same time.
Now nutrition and foods are a completely different topic that would need an entire separate article just to cover all the details so I am going to leave it at that for now, but don't think that eating isn't important, in fact eating is everything when it comes to muscle weight training.
The best thing you can do when muscle weight training is to come up with a whole new routine every month.
Still work out the same muscle groups, but switch up the exercises that you do.
The reason for this is to eliminate the "plateau" effect of doing the same exercises for an extended amount of time.
The human body after a while will grow accustomed to the workouts you are doing and will reach a plateau phase to which it won't react to at all or very little.
To avoid this you just switch up your workout routines once a month.
Now this is a tip for the onces interested in gaining muscle mass.
This is not something you will do if you are trying to maintain the body you have or lose weight.
Right after a workout the body is in a "recovery state" in which it tries to get all the nutrients it can out of your body.
So therefore immediately following a workout would be the absolute best time to intake a lot of protein(the feeder of muscle growth).
You can either eat foods with high protein such as pasta, or you can use a whey powder supplement and mix it with some low fat milk, for a really good protein boost.
As for woman, or others who do not want to gain muscle mass the same will hold true.
The body will be at a recovery state immediately following a workout, but instead of having a high protein intake, you will want consume a lot of carbohydrates with few or no calories.
Carbohydrates help to increase the speed of the recovery state of the body.
This way your body will be fully recovered a lot quicker than someone with a high protein intake.