3 Tips To Maximize Your Profits When You Turn A Blog Into A Book
You may generate publicity for your blog that you wouldn't otherwise have been able to create, which may lead to bigger and better opportunities for you as a writer and expert.
Here are some key points to note if you want to maximize your profits when you turn a blog into a book: How To Maximize Your Blog Profits When You Turn A Blog Into A Book #1: Invest In A Good Cover When you turn a blog into a book, the first thing you'll want to do is to get a great cover designed.
People always say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but really that's all people have to go on sometimes.
That's especially true if you want to create a digital book instead of a physical one.
Having a cover professionally designed will do wonders for your sales because it heightens the perceived value of your book, digital or physical.
Even simple little details like colors, fonts and graphics are important to brand your book and make it desirable.
How To Maximize Your Blog Profits When You Turn A Blog Into A Book #2: Get Testimonials Did you know that the biggest selling point of any book isn't what's actually in the book so much as what people are saying about it? When you turn a blog into a book, getting testimonials from other authors and experts in your field is essential, because people will place a lot of weight in their recommendations.
So why would they want to give you a testimonial? Well, first of all it enhances their own reputation as an expert author, and secondly it keeps their name in the eyes of a relevant audience as well.
Obviously, you'll want to ensure that your book is of the highest quality if you're going to ask for a recommendation, but I have no doubt that it is.
How To Maximize Your Blog Profits When You Turn A Blog Into A Book #3: Advertise It On Your Blog! You might be wondering why people would want to buy it when you turn a blog into a book when they can very well read everything on your blog for free, but the truth is that people would much prefer to read a physical book, and don't mind paying twenty or thirty dollars so that they can read it without staring at a screen for too long.
Additionally, you can add exclusive content that isn't on your blog to heighten the value even further, and convince even more people to buy it.