Simple Strategies for Seasoning Your Cast Iron Cooking Pans
If you are interested in purchasing cast iron cooking pans, it is essential that you learn the simple strategies on how to season the pans. Many consumers choose to purchase cast iron ware because the products retain heat in an excellent manner and specialized diffusion properties. In addition to these characteristics, there are several health benefits associated with cast iron cooking pans. Individuals that consume foods prepared in this type of cookware find that their level of dietary iron is increased. Iron is essential to many processes in the body. In order to optimize the taste of the food that is cooked in cast iron, as well as the health benefits associated with the cookware, you must learn the steps for properly seasoning the cast iron cooking pans that you utilize in your kitchen.
Cast iron ware seasoning is a process that assists in creating a coating that is considered to be slick and almost glassy in nature. The process is performed in order to protect the cookware from rusting. In addition to this, it helps to create a cooking surface that is considered to be "non-stick". In order to properly season your cast iron cooking pans, you must bake many different layers of oil on the pan. You will want to start this process by acquiring a type of oil for the process. While many individuals use vegetable oils such as those derived from canola and/or sunflower, others prefer shortening products such as Crisco. You may also elect to use standard lard for the process. Once you have the oil that you want to use, you must rub a very thin coat over the pan. Once it is on, take a paper towel or a cloth composed of cotton and rub off the excess oil. It is important that your pan looks dry and is not glistening. Though it may appear as if no oil is present on the pan, a thin layer will still be present.
Now, you will want to place aluminum foil on the bottom rack in your oven. This will be used to protect the internal surfaces of the oven from drips of oil. Once you have this in place, turn your oven on to either 450 degrees or 500 degrees. You will then want to place the cast iron ware on the top shelf of the oven. However, instead of setting it in the oven, flip it over to where it is actually upside down. You will then need to allow the seasoning process to continue for approximately a half hour. Once this time has passed, allow the cast iron cooking pans to remain in the oven until room temperature is reached. You should then oil the pan again, and perform the same steps. In order to get a strong bond with your seasoning, it is important to perform this step four to five times. When seasoning the pans, you will notice that smoke may be generated from the oven. It is important to understand that this is typically considered to be normal. These are the simplest strategies for seasoning cast iron cooking pans.
Cast iron ware seasoning is a process that assists in creating a coating that is considered to be slick and almost glassy in nature. The process is performed in order to protect the cookware from rusting. In addition to this, it helps to create a cooking surface that is considered to be "non-stick". In order to properly season your cast iron cooking pans, you must bake many different layers of oil on the pan. You will want to start this process by acquiring a type of oil for the process. While many individuals use vegetable oils such as those derived from canola and/or sunflower, others prefer shortening products such as Crisco. You may also elect to use standard lard for the process. Once you have the oil that you want to use, you must rub a very thin coat over the pan. Once it is on, take a paper towel or a cloth composed of cotton and rub off the excess oil. It is important that your pan looks dry and is not glistening. Though it may appear as if no oil is present on the pan, a thin layer will still be present.
Now, you will want to place aluminum foil on the bottom rack in your oven. This will be used to protect the internal surfaces of the oven from drips of oil. Once you have this in place, turn your oven on to either 450 degrees or 500 degrees. You will then want to place the cast iron ware on the top shelf of the oven. However, instead of setting it in the oven, flip it over to where it is actually upside down. You will then need to allow the seasoning process to continue for approximately a half hour. Once this time has passed, allow the cast iron cooking pans to remain in the oven until room temperature is reached. You should then oil the pan again, and perform the same steps. In order to get a strong bond with your seasoning, it is important to perform this step four to five times. When seasoning the pans, you will notice that smoke may be generated from the oven. It is important to understand that this is typically considered to be normal. These are the simplest strategies for seasoning cast iron cooking pans.