Insomnia and Sleeping Problems - What You Need to Know
Sleep is one of the most important things that your body needs and going without the recommended amount of sleep can turn your life and overall mood upside-down.
Here's some examples of how lack of sleep can affect your life:
- tired during the day at work, school, while driving, etc.
- poor quality of work
- gaining or losing weight from stress of less sleep
- mood changes; i.
crabby, irritable, sad, depressed - energy is almost non-existent
The list below gives ideas for a good start at achieving sleep and eliminating some of the above symptoms from little sleep.
- eat healthy during the day
- take hot baths at night
- listen to calming music
- avoid the tv
- avoid sugary foods and drinks
- exercise daily (not before bedtime)
- read a book
- take sleeping pills (prescribed or OTC)
Take time to make lists of things that you think may be keeping you up at night, things that may help you to sleep or have helped you sleep in the past, and stick with what works.
After a few weeks of getting a new routine, you may be getting back into a schedule of sleeping normally and peacefully!