Generate Free Traffic Submitting Articles to Ezine"s
It generates some nice traffic and converts quite a few sales.
If you don't mind writing up articles this is definitely something you should consider doing.
Even if you're not a writer, once you start it's actually hard to stop.
When I first started writing up articles I was a bit frightened...
I probably had the same thoughts you're thinking now "What if people don't like what I write".
Now I enjoy writing articles! I like seeing that the articles I write help others! I must admit I myself prefer to read articles and book's I purchase through the internet because most of them haven't been edited by some English Graduate who puts in some language you don't understand! And you get a real "feel" for the person's personality.
By giving your reprint rights to these websites allows other website owners who are hungry for your material to place it on their websites too! Increasing your exposure even more! I have had great floods of traffic from people publishing my articles to their opt-in lists all because they found my article interesting through searching sites like http://www.
There are plenty of websites that accept and publish your articles, but some are subject specific.
The best place I have found submitting my articles to is hands down without a doubt http://www.
I don't like to close all my options of course though.
The article is written all you need to do is copy and paste to other places that will accept them.
Easy as 1-2-3! Don't forget to read their rules and regulations before submitting.
If they accept your type of articles place the link in your favourites folder.
This will save time for the next article you want to submit.
© Joanne King - http://www.