Guitar Finger Stretching Exercises

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    1-2-3-4 Pattern

    • One of the most effective finger-stretching exercises can be achieved by playing a simple pattern of four chromatic notes across all six guitar strings. Start with the forefinger on the first fret of the sixth string. Pick that note and follow by fretting the second, third and fourth frets in succession with the middle, ring and little finger. Continue this pattern on the fifth string, fourth string and onward to the first string. At the first string, move up one fret and repeat the "1-2-3-4" pattern back across, ending at the sixth string. Again, move up one fret to the third, and continue back toward the first string. Repeat until you've reached the highest fret where you can continue the pattern.

    Ring to Little Finger

    • Many guitar players rely on three fingers--fore, middle and ring--for the majority of their playing. The little finger is often the weakest link, but it can be favorably strengthened and stretched to take an active fretboard role. This exercise also stretches the ring finger in a pattern that will probably feel awkward at first.

      Fret the first fret of the sixth string with your ring finger. Sound the note and then play the second fret of the fifth string with your little finger. Then play the first fret of the fifth string with the ring finger and the second fret of the fourth string with the little finger. Carry this step-like pattern across to the first string; you should end with the little finger on the second fret.

      Turn the pattern around by playing the first fret of the firstst string with the ring finger, followed by the little finger playing the second fret of the second string. Again, carry this figure across to the sixth string, where you'll end with the little finger on the second fret. Then slide the ring finger to the third fret of the sixth string and start the pattern again.

    Hammer over Five

    • The five-fret stretch is one of the boundaries beginning players try to break. This involves developing muscle memory and playing with loose and relaxed fingers.

      An exercise to increase fret span and improve legato begins at the sixth string, first fret. Play that note and follow by hammering onto the fifth fret with your little finger, then pull off to the third fret using your middle finger. Strive for a consistent and fluid tone, ensuring each note is sounded with the same volume. Repeat this pattern across and down the fretboard. Start slowly and use a metronome to stay in time, then increase speed as your fingers stretch and ability increases.

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