Fast Weight Loss - How to Lose 20 Pounds of Belly Fat in a Month
You are about to learn that not only is it possible to lose 20 pounds of pure fat per month, but I'm going to explain to you exaclty what you need to do in order to do it.
All you need is dedication to stick to the plan, follow the 4 steps involve, and in a month from now you will have lost at least 20 pounds.
Let's get right to it -- in order for you to lose 20 pounds of belly fat in 30 days, you will need to perfect either of these 3 methods: diet, exercise, and/or supplements.
I have been using this method for the past 5 weeks, and I have lost about 25 pounds.
This includes the 10 pounds of muscle I have gained from working out regularly.
There a 4 steps that I have been following for these results.
Step 1.
Steer Clear Of White Carbs Don't eat any carbohydrate that is, or has been white.
Eat brown carbs, and you will be safe.
For example, instead of white bread, eat brown bread.
Instead of white rice, eat brown rice.
Stay away from potatoes and cereals, and avoid anything that has been breaded and fried.
Step 2.
Choose A Few Foods For Your Meals, And Stick To Them People who have been able to lose weight have done so by eating the same foods every day.
Pick a food from each of these groups to create your meals: Group A - Proteins: Egg whites (with one whole egg to add flavor), Pork, Lean Beef, Chicken Breast or thigh Group B - Beans: Lentil, Pinto, and Black Beans Group C - Vegetables: Peas, Asparagus, Spinach, Mixed Vegetables Eat as many of these foods as you like.
Find 3 or 4 meals that you like and eat them over and over again.
There are many people who have tried low carb diets and failed, because they complain about being tired all the time and end up giving up.
They dont realize this, but they have little to no energy because they are not consuming enough calories.
Step 3: Don't Drink Your Calories You have probably heard that you should drink 8 glasses of water per day.
You should drink closer to a gallon of water per day.
You can also drink diet soda, coffee (black), and other unsweetened drinks.
Step 4: Give Yourself A Break Make it a point to take a day off every week.
Because of my schedule, I take Friday and eat as much of whatever I want.
I'll eat ice cream, cookies, and everything else my heart desires.
I have even made myself sick to the point of almost throwing up.
This is good because I won't crave it for an entire week, until next Friday.
It is unbelievable how well this works.
Besides, when you increase your calories one day per week, it is actually good for your metabolism.
All you need is dedication to stick to the plan, follow the 4 steps involve, and in a month from now you will have lost at least 20 pounds.
Let's get right to it -- in order for you to lose 20 pounds of belly fat in 30 days, you will need to perfect either of these 3 methods: diet, exercise, and/or supplements.
I have been using this method for the past 5 weeks, and I have lost about 25 pounds.
This includes the 10 pounds of muscle I have gained from working out regularly.
There a 4 steps that I have been following for these results.
Step 1.
Steer Clear Of White Carbs Don't eat any carbohydrate that is, or has been white.
Eat brown carbs, and you will be safe.
For example, instead of white bread, eat brown bread.
Instead of white rice, eat brown rice.
Stay away from potatoes and cereals, and avoid anything that has been breaded and fried.
Step 2.
Choose A Few Foods For Your Meals, And Stick To Them People who have been able to lose weight have done so by eating the same foods every day.
Pick a food from each of these groups to create your meals: Group A - Proteins: Egg whites (with one whole egg to add flavor), Pork, Lean Beef, Chicken Breast or thigh Group B - Beans: Lentil, Pinto, and Black Beans Group C - Vegetables: Peas, Asparagus, Spinach, Mixed Vegetables Eat as many of these foods as you like.
Find 3 or 4 meals that you like and eat them over and over again.
There are many people who have tried low carb diets and failed, because they complain about being tired all the time and end up giving up.
They dont realize this, but they have little to no energy because they are not consuming enough calories.
Step 3: Don't Drink Your Calories You have probably heard that you should drink 8 glasses of water per day.
You should drink closer to a gallon of water per day.
You can also drink diet soda, coffee (black), and other unsweetened drinks.
Step 4: Give Yourself A Break Make it a point to take a day off every week.
Because of my schedule, I take Friday and eat as much of whatever I want.
I'll eat ice cream, cookies, and everything else my heart desires.
I have even made myself sick to the point of almost throwing up.
This is good because I won't crave it for an entire week, until next Friday.
It is unbelievable how well this works.
Besides, when you increase your calories one day per week, it is actually good for your metabolism.