Dangerous Diet Supplements
- The Food and Drug Administration has no current authority over products intended as nutritional supplements. This is why almost every supplement bottle contains the warning that "the label claims have not been evaluated by the FDA." What this means for you is that the actual ingredients, both in quantity and type, of a supplement might not accurately match the information on the label.
- Yohimbe is a ingredient often found in a number of over-the-counter supplements, including purported "testosterone boosters," having traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac or as an aid for erectile dysfunction. Side effects of yohimbe that make it potentially dangerous are rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, dizziness, and anxiety.
- Aristolochic acid is another ingredient to avoid that is contained in a variety of supplements. Aristolochic acids are often contained in "traditional" Chinese medicines, along with some purported fat burners. However, aristolochic acid has been implicated as a possible cancer-causing agent, making it crucial to avoid consumption of this herb at any cost.
- Bitter orange is a compound that was intended to replace ephedra as a weight loss agent. Consumption of bitter orange can cause a disturbance in heart rhythm along with increasing blood pressure, thus increasing the possibility of cardiac incident. Another effect of bitter orange is that it can amplify the effects of many prescription medications, possibly causing dangerous side effects from unintentional overdose.
- Ephedra is one of the original "dangerous" supplements. Intended for use as a weight loss product, ephedra came under scrutiny after its side effects were more fully discovered---namely, hypertension, arrhythmia, and an increase in the likelihood of both heart attack and stroke. On balance, there is no need to risk your long-term health in the pursuit of short-term weight loss. Ephedra, or any of the supplements listed, will not help you achieve any result that you otherwise could not with proper diet and exercise alone.