The Essential Three Principles That Make Up And Affect Your Website
The type of site that you plan to run is one of the most pivotal points in the entire site-making process. Your site is either an informational site, an e-commerce, a functional site or a hybrid of the three aforementioned types. The informational variety can include sites which review products or publish articles for the sake of gathering traffic from search engines and monetizing from there with methods such as Adsense and contextual links. Functional sites typically carry the role of doing something. Flash game sites, Facebook and even discussion forums can fall into this category. Your site may have properties from a number of the aforementioned sites. For example, E-commerce sites focus on delivering a product or service to a user. Pure e-commerce sites are rarely used and generally accented with informational properties such as reviews and "popular product" lists.
While the type of site you're developing helps to establish what content you need, you need to also take into consideration the amount of visitors that you're planning to get. A website that gets several million visitors a month for e-commerce will have an entirely different strategy for making money developed than a smaller site would have. A larger site has the ability to offer a secondary service of allowing advertisers or affiliate vendors to advertise directly to customers by email, banner or suggested products. A smaller retail site would be confined to using methods such as list building and developing repeat customers before they can even think of tackling larger audiences. Knowing who your audience is and how many people are listening is key to getting more people to listen and provide you with more profits.
The last major article that needs to be addressed when it comes to constructing a site is being aware of how to talk to your visitors. The tone you use can subtly sway a visitor from otherwise abandoning your site altogether and going back to the search results that lead them there. This is most important in sites where you are addressing the reader directly. Information should be targeted in such a way that users who are looking for specific information are able to find it by reading general material and so that readers feel comfortable with your site. This means that you need to wait for the right time to drop a pre-sales page for a product and that you shouldn't be too much like a salesman right off the bat.
Remember that well-known and famous quote about being crystal clear to your customers versus trying to convince them that they need something? Follow it to the letter in this case and make sure what you write is clear and sincere.
The bottom line is that in order to have a site that successfully sells itself and allows for readers to complete actions that put cash into your pocket, you need a well-structured site. While this only addresses the consumer aspect, it can be applied in a similar manner for some parts of on-site SEO. Keep your points clear to your consumer and you'll have a lot more conversions that make you wads more of money.