The Dangers of Distracted Driving
According to car accident statistics, 3,328 people were killed in distraction-related collisions in 2012, and over 400,000 injuries have occurred, an increase of nine percent from 2011. A significant number of those deaths and injuries involved teen drivers, who on average text one or two times whenever they drive. However, that does not mean teens are solely responsible for this problem, and many adults are equally guilty.
What they do not seem to understand is that when people text, they take their eyes off the road for an average of five seconds. Moreover, studies show that hands-free devices may make people feel they are not engaged in distracted driving, but they are nearly as likely to cause an accident. In truth, there is no safe way to use a smart phone behind the wheel.
Even though many states have enacted laws banning the use of a hand-held device while driving, the problem persists. It seems the only surefire way to effect change is through education. Teens and adults must be shown the potential consequences of their actions, and drivers must resolve to avoid the temptation to take their eyes off the road, even for a brief moment.
As with seat belts and child seats, most everyone will eventually come to realize the wisdom of keeping their phones stowed as they drive, but until that day comes, the best way for you to avoid distracted drivers is to drive defensively, maintain safe following distances and use all of the car's mirrors to keep abreast of what is going on with surrounding cars. If you witness someone texting or otherwise driving distracted, attempt to stay as far away as possible.
If you become the victim of a distracted driving, you should consider consulting a trained professional, such as one of the attorneys at, to find out your options. An auto accident attorney can help ensure that you arrive at a fair settlement with the other driver's insurance company, giving you the opportunity to recover from the accident and any resulting injuries. Your attorney will fight for you and offer you peace of mind during a stressful and often confusing time.