How to Lose Weight Around My Hips
- 1). Limit the number of calories you consume each day. Most women should consume around 1000 calories per day, while men should consume around 1500 calories per day. This will allow you to lose body fat at a rate of three pounds per week.
- 2). Begin an exercise program. You should opt for an exercise program that includes both cardio and weight training. A well-rounded program will provide you with the most optimal results. Do at least 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. Mix it up. Run on the treadmill one or two days; use the elyptical machine one or two days, and ride a bike on one day. Strength train 3 days a week. When you strength train, make sure to target all muscle groups.
- 3). Stick to the new routine. Don't give up. Eat healthy satisfying foods, such as fruits and whole grains. Eat healthy proteins like chicken. Include a lot of fiber in your new diet to keep you full. Eat at least five small meals a day. Stay away from big meals. Have oatmeal and a piece of fruit for breakfast. Have yogurt or a granola bar as a snack in between meals. Eat a light lunch and an average dinner. And, of course, don't forget another small snack before bedtime.