Seattle Allergies - Western Washington Allergens and Pollen

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Seattle and Tacoma allergy suffers can have it pretty rough during the local allergy season, which can start as soon as mid-January and run clear through the end of summer! With the abundant trees, grass, weeds and other greenery in the region, there is no shortage of pollen in the air. On top of that, dust, mold, air pollution and other allergens add another dimension to the Seattle allergy scene.

But which allergens are most common? Are there any particular allergens that are worse than others? The Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center is a fantastic resource to learn a bit more about what exactly is making you sneeze.

Seattle Which of the common allergens affect the most people in the Seattle-area?

Dr. Audrey Park of the Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center: There are several allergens that affect many allergy sufferers. Dust mite is one of the most common perennial allergen, whereas alder and grasses are the main seasonal allergens in Seattle. Of course, allergy to pet dander is also quite prevalent, although not obviously unique to Seattle.

Learn how to treat and deal with hay fever.

About: Is there a time of year when allergies are at their peak in Seattle across the board and when is it?

Dr. Park: With our interesting convergence zone and unpredictable weather, it is difficult to generalize the peak allergy season as how cold and persistent our winter is clearly factors into the intensity of the spring tree pollens.

The most trouble often comes when trees pollinate early as they did this year, and we are caught still thinking it is winter so we have not started our seasonal allergy medications yet. Certainly, there are variations among individuals with allergies, but overall late March and late June are the peak pollen months when one can be most symptomatic.

What exactly is an allergy?

About: If someone is allergic to grasses, are there any types in particular someone allergic to grass should not plant in their own yard?

Dr. Park: Most grass species are cross-reactive to one another, so usually if you are allergic to one type of grass pollen, you usually react to the others. Therefore, unfortunately for grass-allergic individuals, there is not a specific grass to avoid, as most types will cause symptoms.

About: What kinds of weeds most commonly cause allergies in Western Washington?

Dr. Park: English plantain is probably the most plentiful in Western Washington. Actually, we are fairly fortunate not to have many weed allergens here. In Eastern Washington, ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed and kochia can pollinate while grasses are still actively pollinating, causing significant issues for those with allergies.

Common Sources of Pollen in Seattle:
  • Maple: March to May
  • Hazelnut: mid-January to mid-March
  • Cedar/Juniper: February to June
  • Alder: late-February to mid-May
  • Elm: mid-February to early May
  • Birch: mid-March to mid-April
  • Cottonwood/Poplar: March to April
  • Oak: late April to early June
  • Ash: mid-April to May
  • Grasses: mid April to September, peak in June
  • Weeds: mid-May to September

Source: Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center
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