Are PTSD and Addiction Connected
The world around us is changing rapidly.
Between the problems with substance abuse, war and our ever changing government and economy, the things we have to face in life are not always pleasant and frankly, cause stress.
That, coupled with the every day unexpected strains of life and you can see that there are challenges around us at every turn.
On reaction to stress that has been increasingly looked at is a condition called PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
It is defined as the after effects of a traumatic situation and an inability to deal with having gone through a terrifying or overly stressful event.
It isn't necessarily a disease but a reaction to some event that has taken place in your life.
The idea behind the problem is that some people have the ability to face a lot of things that others put into the same situations cannot.
And when certain people are put in certain situations emotions are triggered that can cause things like anxiety, fear, grief or even psychotic behavior.
According to studies from the Wiley Online Library in 2008, many have found that PTSD can lead to drug use and addiction.
How PTSD Can Lead to Addiction The ways that PTSD can lead to addiction are simple enough.
Once a person experiences something traumatic in their life there are many ways that they can begin to cope, alcohol or drug use is often one of them.
Looking for a way to escape the reality of their life a person turns towards these substances as a way to release some of the stress and try to cope.
Not realizing that the substance abuse will only add to their problem they then find themselves wound up in the difficulty of trying to handle not one problem but two.
Their original stress as well as the new dependency that they've created trying to relieve the stress.
The solution: more drugs.
And because these substances are mentally and physically addictive it is not long before dependence forms.
The truth is that when a person experiences something that they cannot face they have only a few options of what to do: They can continually try to better themselves and try to work up to being able to face it.
They can run away from it and try to hide; this is usually done with drugs or alcohol.
They can try to ignore the problem and simply pretend it isn't there or they can given in to the problem and let it get the better of them.
If you look around in our society you can see this mechanism in play all around you.
People dealing with their everyday problem in their own individual ways but all under these same pretenses.
People living on the streets have obviously given up trying to face life and have succumbed to whatever it is that they were unable to face.
Alcoholics and drug addicts live their life in a world that is not reality but a constant high and low of emotions and unreality.
These people are obviously trying to hide from whatever it is that they were unable to face.
Resolving PTSD Drug Abuse The problem with drug and alcohol abuse is often that once a person tries to stop they are then put right back into the situation which caused them to turn to drugs in the first place.
And being no better equipped to handle that problem they have no solution other than abusing again.
At least under the false reality of substance abuse they have a way of hiding from their problems.
This as you can see can be a difficult problem and requires a very efficient solution.
Many people fail when trying to handle people facing these types of situations because they don't approach it from the standpoint of a dual problem and only try to handle one side of the equation.
Between the problems with substance abuse, war and our ever changing government and economy, the things we have to face in life are not always pleasant and frankly, cause stress.
That, coupled with the every day unexpected strains of life and you can see that there are challenges around us at every turn.
On reaction to stress that has been increasingly looked at is a condition called PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
It is defined as the after effects of a traumatic situation and an inability to deal with having gone through a terrifying or overly stressful event.
It isn't necessarily a disease but a reaction to some event that has taken place in your life.
The idea behind the problem is that some people have the ability to face a lot of things that others put into the same situations cannot.
And when certain people are put in certain situations emotions are triggered that can cause things like anxiety, fear, grief or even psychotic behavior.
According to studies from the Wiley Online Library in 2008, many have found that PTSD can lead to drug use and addiction.
How PTSD Can Lead to Addiction The ways that PTSD can lead to addiction are simple enough.
Once a person experiences something traumatic in their life there are many ways that they can begin to cope, alcohol or drug use is often one of them.
Looking for a way to escape the reality of their life a person turns towards these substances as a way to release some of the stress and try to cope.
Not realizing that the substance abuse will only add to their problem they then find themselves wound up in the difficulty of trying to handle not one problem but two.
Their original stress as well as the new dependency that they've created trying to relieve the stress.
The solution: more drugs.
And because these substances are mentally and physically addictive it is not long before dependence forms.
The truth is that when a person experiences something that they cannot face they have only a few options of what to do: They can continually try to better themselves and try to work up to being able to face it.
They can run away from it and try to hide; this is usually done with drugs or alcohol.
They can try to ignore the problem and simply pretend it isn't there or they can given in to the problem and let it get the better of them.
If you look around in our society you can see this mechanism in play all around you.
People dealing with their everyday problem in their own individual ways but all under these same pretenses.
People living on the streets have obviously given up trying to face life and have succumbed to whatever it is that they were unable to face.
Alcoholics and drug addicts live their life in a world that is not reality but a constant high and low of emotions and unreality.
These people are obviously trying to hide from whatever it is that they were unable to face.
Resolving PTSD Drug Abuse The problem with drug and alcohol abuse is often that once a person tries to stop they are then put right back into the situation which caused them to turn to drugs in the first place.
And being no better equipped to handle that problem they have no solution other than abusing again.
At least under the false reality of substance abuse they have a way of hiding from their problems.
This as you can see can be a difficult problem and requires a very efficient solution.
Many people fail when trying to handle people facing these types of situations because they don't approach it from the standpoint of a dual problem and only try to handle one side of the equation.