Workout Plans to Build Muscle Fast
Most workout plans to build muscle that are being used by thousands of trainees everyday in the gym, simply do not provide the end result that is required.
How many people do you know that have been training for 6 months or more have significantly changed their bodies by gaining a lot of muscle? I'm guessing that there will not be that many.
Take a look at gyms all over the world.
You will see people doing the same exercises, using the same weights, wondering why they are not gaining any muscle.
If anything, there is too much information about building muscle.
Every week there is a glut of muscle building magazines hitting the stands, and there are always new muscle workout routines that they say you must use.
So you try something for a few weeks, and then move onto the next big muscle building program.
Does this sound familiar? Building muscle has become over complicated, and it is a trap that thousands have people have fallen into.
It is a simple process to build muscle, but you have to work hard with intensity.
Workout plans to build muscle should focus on 2 areas, the upper body and lower body.
The fact is that just a handful of weight training exercises performed over a period of time will help you to gain muscle on a regular basis.
Lower Body Workout Plan to Build Muscle The workout for your lower body is basically training your Quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles.
That isn't too complicated is it? All you need are 3 exercises, and they are squats, straight leg dead lifts, and calf raises.
If done in a proper manner, these lower body exercises will pack on a ton of muscle, and the squats will have an indirect impact on your upper body as well.
Always warm up for each exercise by using a light weight for 15-20 repetitions to warm your muscles up and get blood flowing to them.
Then perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps, apart from the straight leg dead lifts, where you will perform 8-10 reps.
Train as heavy as you can keeping good form.
Upper Body Workout Plan to Build Muscle The three main areas will be your back, your chest, and your shoulders.
The arms will grow automatically, so you do not need to worry about them.
Back Exercises Dead Lift Pull Ups Bent Over Rows These exercises will hit every area of your back.
Again train heavy as you can after an initial warm up.
Keep the sets to 3 in rep range of 8-12.
Many people find doing pull ups very difficult as they may not be strong enough to pull up their own body weight.
If this is the case you should do latuntil you build the strength to do pull ups.
Chest Exercises Bench Press Incline Bench Press Dips Follow the same principles as the other exercises in regards to weight and rep range.
Not many people do dips, but this is a fantastic exercise for building muscles on your chest and your shoulders.
Back in the 30's and 40's, bodybuilders only did dips for their chest, as bench's were not used in many gyms, and these guys had awesome chest's from just doing dips.
Shoulder Exercises Your shoulders get a lot of work from your chest exercises, especially the front of the shoulders.
This leads to an imbalance of strength in the shoulders, with the muscles at the rear of the shoulders being weak compared to the front of the shoulders.
In order to rectify this, do shoulder presses with dumbbells.
When you raise your arms in the air, make sure that the weight comes to rest parallel to the back of your head, as this targets the rear shoulder muscles.
Again, train as heavy as good form will allow.
Stick with these workout plans to build muscle, and you will soon see a massive change in the way you look.
How many people do you know that have been training for 6 months or more have significantly changed their bodies by gaining a lot of muscle? I'm guessing that there will not be that many.
Take a look at gyms all over the world.
You will see people doing the same exercises, using the same weights, wondering why they are not gaining any muscle.
If anything, there is too much information about building muscle.
Every week there is a glut of muscle building magazines hitting the stands, and there are always new muscle workout routines that they say you must use.
So you try something for a few weeks, and then move onto the next big muscle building program.
Does this sound familiar? Building muscle has become over complicated, and it is a trap that thousands have people have fallen into.
It is a simple process to build muscle, but you have to work hard with intensity.
Workout plans to build muscle should focus on 2 areas, the upper body and lower body.
The fact is that just a handful of weight training exercises performed over a period of time will help you to gain muscle on a regular basis.
Lower Body Workout Plan to Build Muscle The workout for your lower body is basically training your Quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles.
That isn't too complicated is it? All you need are 3 exercises, and they are squats, straight leg dead lifts, and calf raises.
If done in a proper manner, these lower body exercises will pack on a ton of muscle, and the squats will have an indirect impact on your upper body as well.
Always warm up for each exercise by using a light weight for 15-20 repetitions to warm your muscles up and get blood flowing to them.
Then perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps, apart from the straight leg dead lifts, where you will perform 8-10 reps.
Train as heavy as you can keeping good form.
Upper Body Workout Plan to Build Muscle The three main areas will be your back, your chest, and your shoulders.
The arms will grow automatically, so you do not need to worry about them.
Back Exercises Dead Lift Pull Ups Bent Over Rows These exercises will hit every area of your back.
Again train heavy as you can after an initial warm up.
Keep the sets to 3 in rep range of 8-12.
Many people find doing pull ups very difficult as they may not be strong enough to pull up their own body weight.
If this is the case you should do latuntil you build the strength to do pull ups.
Chest Exercises Bench Press Incline Bench Press Dips Follow the same principles as the other exercises in regards to weight and rep range.
Not many people do dips, but this is a fantastic exercise for building muscles on your chest and your shoulders.
Back in the 30's and 40's, bodybuilders only did dips for their chest, as bench's were not used in many gyms, and these guys had awesome chest's from just doing dips.
Shoulder Exercises Your shoulders get a lot of work from your chest exercises, especially the front of the shoulders.
This leads to an imbalance of strength in the shoulders, with the muscles at the rear of the shoulders being weak compared to the front of the shoulders.
In order to rectify this, do shoulder presses with dumbbells.
When you raise your arms in the air, make sure that the weight comes to rest parallel to the back of your head, as this targets the rear shoulder muscles.
Again, train as heavy as good form will allow.
Stick with these workout plans to build muscle, and you will soon see a massive change in the way you look.