The Best Small Business Resources
- Craft a business plan that includes more than just the numbers.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
The U.S. Small Business Administration offers seminars, tools and specific resources to help small businesses get off the ground and move forward once the business is in operation. SBA guidance starts with free tools to develop a small business plan. The business plan tools include elements of a standard business plan, tips on finding your specific market and templates to help write a professional plan. The SBA also offers national webinars as well as local seminars on a wide variety of business topics so small business owners can consult with peers and topic experts on best practices for starting and running their business. - SCORE provides counseling from experienced business volunteers.Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
SCORE is an organization of volunteers that was established by retired business executives. The sole purpose of SCORE is to help small businesses succeed by providing access to experienced volunteers as mentors and counselors. Through the SCORE website, small business owners are given access to business planning and financial templates, as well as links to relevant business webinars. The organization also offers access to local small business seminars located at offices all over the United States. - A network of business resources is just a mouse click away.Hemera Technologies/ Images
The Association of Small Business Development Centers provides a national assistance network for small business owners. The Association provides access to national business news and resources, such as national webinars and conferences as well as major business announcements. The website also links the resources of local small business development centers that provide counseling, workshops and webinars. - Research your tax obligations before you start.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Every business owner needs to consider their tax obligations, including sales tax collection, employment taxes as well as income tax. The Internal Revenue Service offers free resources to business owners to help them start a business and meet their tax obligations. The IRS website has a listing of publications that can be ordered to assist business owners. The resources include a tax calendar, a virtual tax workshop and specific guidance on business and personal tax topics. These free publications are organized by business type and subject area.