How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels
Maintaining blood sugar levels that are consistently within the normal range between 4.
5 - 5.
5 mg/dl or if you are from the US then multiply that figure by 18 to give you the mmol reading.
Is the number one bane of most type 2 diabetics lives.
We wake up reasonably cheerful, feeling ok; we have not eaten anything too terrible the night before so let's do a quick blood test to see how things are.
Low and behold you're in double figures! What the hell but I haven't eaten anything.
No you probably haven't.
The crafty thing about your blood sugar and your general diabetic bio chemistry is that is has a memory.
Don't think that the huge plate of pasta you consume at the bbq two days ago has been forgotten.
All those carbohydrates had to go someone and in the process your pancreas has basically given you the middle finger as a kind of slap down.
An article is not long enough to go into the intricate workings of type 2 diabetes but to keep it simple.
if you want your blood sugar levels to stay within a normal healthy range.
You are going to have to keep your diet simple as well.
For a start, never kick your C factor or carbohydrate burning cycle into play in the morning.
Kind of like a smoker, sure, he can go hours without one during sleep but the moment he sparks up the first one his body will be craving for the rest of the day.
A major rule to keeping blood sugar levels normal for diabetics is to allow their bio chemistry to exert its metabolism how it is supposed to.
Namely the fat burning cycle.
To do this you should start the day with a protein or Greens breakfast.
Omelette, cheese and cold meats, broccoli soup.
Anything, just don't put two bowls of cereal down your neck, you'll only be setting your metabolism up for carb cravings for the rest of the day.
5 - 5.
5 mg/dl or if you are from the US then multiply that figure by 18 to give you the mmol reading.
Is the number one bane of most type 2 diabetics lives.
We wake up reasonably cheerful, feeling ok; we have not eaten anything too terrible the night before so let's do a quick blood test to see how things are.
Low and behold you're in double figures! What the hell but I haven't eaten anything.
No you probably haven't.
The crafty thing about your blood sugar and your general diabetic bio chemistry is that is has a memory.
Don't think that the huge plate of pasta you consume at the bbq two days ago has been forgotten.
All those carbohydrates had to go someone and in the process your pancreas has basically given you the middle finger as a kind of slap down.
An article is not long enough to go into the intricate workings of type 2 diabetes but to keep it simple.
if you want your blood sugar levels to stay within a normal healthy range.
You are going to have to keep your diet simple as well.
For a start, never kick your C factor or carbohydrate burning cycle into play in the morning.
Kind of like a smoker, sure, he can go hours without one during sleep but the moment he sparks up the first one his body will be craving for the rest of the day.
A major rule to keeping blood sugar levels normal for diabetics is to allow their bio chemistry to exert its metabolism how it is supposed to.
Namely the fat burning cycle.
To do this you should start the day with a protein or Greens breakfast.
Omelette, cheese and cold meats, broccoli soup.
Anything, just don't put two bowls of cereal down your neck, you'll only be setting your metabolism up for carb cravings for the rest of the day.