How to Uninstall the MagicJack Splash Screen
- 1). Click and highlight the "magicJack" shortcut icon on your computer desktop. Select "Copy" from the context menu.
- 2). Right-click an empty space on your desktop. Select "Paste Shortcut" from the context menu.
- 3). Right-click the new shortcut. Choose "Rename" from the context menu. Type "magicJack noloader" into the name input field.
- 4). Right-click on the new "magicJack noloader" program shortcut icon. Select "Properties."
- 5). Highlight and delete the existing code in the "Target" input field. Paste the following new code into the field:
"drive:\path to mjusbsp}\magicJack.exe" /foreground /scf _magicJackPersonalDataRoot "{usb drive:}\magicJack"
Include the quotation marks around the code exactly as shown. - 6). Replace "drive:\path to mjusbsp" with the correct drive letter and application folder path for the magicJack installation on your computer. Replace "usb drive" with the correct USB drive for your computer; on most computers, this is the "F:" drive.
- 7). Double-click the new magicJack shortcut icon on your desktop screen to launch the program without a splash screen.