Has the Law Of Attraction Made You Overweight?
The Law Of Attraction (LOA) has become a phenomenon, and millions have tried to use it.
But many people complain it hasn't worked for them.
Many people don't understand that the LOA is always working, and that's actually the science of how your brain works! The things you focus upon are the things you see.
When I was a Behavioral Therapist at Canyon Ranch Health Resort, I used to do an experiment with the guests in my talks.
Knowing that they were high achievers, I would give them a challenge.
"Look around the room for 15 seconds, and try to remember everything in the room that has the color blue in it.
" People stood up, focused intently on every item they could see.
"OK, now close your eyes, and let that set in your memory for a few seconds," I'd say.
Then came my trick.
"Now tell me everything that was RED".
The moans and groans were loud.
Few people could remember anything that was red; they were totally focused on blue! Your mind's focus can change your physiology When you have a negative focus on your body weight, whether you realize it or not, you are actually using the Law of Attraction.
You are focused on your dissatisfaction with your body, dislike of extra weight, avoiding foods you probably love and ate to excess, and eating foods you may not even like, all to make you lose weight.
That is all NEGATIVE in focus.
And the things you resist in your mind become a habitual thought pattern.
"I can't have this", "I'm punishing myself", "I'm no good the way I am" are your thoughts.
These continuous thoughts and feelings become a negative pattern that informs your subconscious mind that your body is being attacked.
Your subconscious mind thinks it's not safe! This creates a stress response in your body as if it were actually being attacked! Stress is ground zero for weight gain, especially as belly fat.
Stress not only puts on fat, but slows down your metabolism as well! Are you focusing on the negative, on how you don't like yourself and your body? You are using the LOA to create an effect you DON'T want! Your focus and mindset is sabotaging efforts to lose weight! Your weight is essentially the outside expression of your emotions and your thoughts.
If the outside doesn't look healthy, your inside is suffering as well.
Blood tests for triglycerides and LDL (the cholesterol you want to be low) can reflect your impaired health.
You may be suffering from indigestion, heartburn, disturbed sleep, and a host of other problems created and exacerbated by stress.
The more extreme your dislike of yourself, the worse your body symptoms are likely to be! There is a way to lose weight; but the focus cannot be how you can't stand yourself the way you are.
Use the Law of Attraction and Brain science to change your Mindset towards gratitude and appreciation of how well your body works.
Focus your mind on revising your eating habits to improve your food choices for health and vitality.
Make sure you use mealtime as a relaxing mindful activity, which is a great stress reliever.
Learn to trust your intelligent body that is showing you, by being overweight, that something is out of balance in your life.
You know in your heart that something has created "too much" of something - too much work, stress, too little money, not enough time, unhappy relationship...
Whatever it is, take care of that problem, and as your stress level goes down, you will find yourself happier, healthier, and the weight will begin to adjust itself.
The Law of Attraction can be used to improve your health.
But make sure your focus is on the positive, not on the negative to get the results you want!
But many people complain it hasn't worked for them.
Many people don't understand that the LOA is always working, and that's actually the science of how your brain works! The things you focus upon are the things you see.
Believing is seeing - NOT the other way around!Here's an example of how that works.
When I was a Behavioral Therapist at Canyon Ranch Health Resort, I used to do an experiment with the guests in my talks.
Knowing that they were high achievers, I would give them a challenge.
"Look around the room for 15 seconds, and try to remember everything in the room that has the color blue in it.
" People stood up, focused intently on every item they could see.
"OK, now close your eyes, and let that set in your memory for a few seconds," I'd say.
Then came my trick.
"Now tell me everything that was RED".
The moans and groans were loud.
Few people could remember anything that was red; they were totally focused on blue! Your mind's focus can change your physiology When you have a negative focus on your body weight, whether you realize it or not, you are actually using the Law of Attraction.
You are focused on your dissatisfaction with your body, dislike of extra weight, avoiding foods you probably love and ate to excess, and eating foods you may not even like, all to make you lose weight.
That is all NEGATIVE in focus.
And the things you resist in your mind become a habitual thought pattern.
"I can't have this", "I'm punishing myself", "I'm no good the way I am" are your thoughts.
These continuous thoughts and feelings become a negative pattern that informs your subconscious mind that your body is being attacked.
Your subconscious mind thinks it's not safe! This creates a stress response in your body as if it were actually being attacked! Stress is ground zero for weight gain, especially as belly fat.
Stress not only puts on fat, but slows down your metabolism as well! Are you focusing on the negative, on how you don't like yourself and your body? You are using the LOA to create an effect you DON'T want! Your focus and mindset is sabotaging efforts to lose weight! Your weight is essentially the outside expression of your emotions and your thoughts.
If the outside doesn't look healthy, your inside is suffering as well.
Blood tests for triglycerides and LDL (the cholesterol you want to be low) can reflect your impaired health.
You may be suffering from indigestion, heartburn, disturbed sleep, and a host of other problems created and exacerbated by stress.
The more extreme your dislike of yourself, the worse your body symptoms are likely to be! There is a way to lose weight; but the focus cannot be how you can't stand yourself the way you are.
Use the Law of Attraction and Brain science to change your Mindset towards gratitude and appreciation of how well your body works.
Focus your mind on revising your eating habits to improve your food choices for health and vitality.
Make sure you use mealtime as a relaxing mindful activity, which is a great stress reliever.
Learn to trust your intelligent body that is showing you, by being overweight, that something is out of balance in your life.
You know in your heart that something has created "too much" of something - too much work, stress, too little money, not enough time, unhappy relationship...
Whatever it is, take care of that problem, and as your stress level goes down, you will find yourself happier, healthier, and the weight will begin to adjust itself.
The Law of Attraction can be used to improve your health.
But make sure your focus is on the positive, not on the negative to get the results you want!