What Test Scores and GPA Do You Need to Be Admitted to UCF?
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Discussion of UCF's Admissions Standards:
With an acceptance rate of less than 50%, the University of Central Florida has become increasingly selective in recent years. Most accepted students have above average test scores and grades. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent the students who got in.
You can see that most successful applicants had "B" or higher averages, SAT scores of about 1650 or higher, and ACT composite scores of 22 or higher. The higher those numbers, the better your chance of an acceptance letter.
Note that there is some red and yellow (rejected and waitlisted students) hidden behind the green and blue, especially in the middle of the graph. Some students with grades and test scores that were on target for UCF did not get in. Note also that a few students were accepted with test scores and grades a little below the norm. This is because UCF is looking at more than your GPA -- they give greater weight to challenging AP and IB classes than other less challenging courses. Optional letters of recommendation can also be a factor.
To learn more about the University of Central Florida, high school GPAs, SAT scores and ACT scores, these articles can help:
- UCF Admissions Profile
- What's a Good SAT Score?
- What's a Good ACT Score?
- What's Considered a Good Academic Record?
- What is a Weighted GPA?
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