How to Get By With Diabetes
Many people do not even know they have diabetes, as they do not show any of the symptoms until it is too late and important parts of their bodies are affected.
You are at risk to get one of three types of diabetes if you do not start looking after yourself today.
There are type 1, type 2 as well as gestational diabetes that affects pregnant women mainly.
In order to avoid damage to your body and control the type of diabetes that you have, you will have to make some serious changes to your current lifestyle.
If you do not look after diabetes, you will damage organs such as your eyes, your heart, your kidneys as well as your feet.
If you are not careful, gangrene can set in your feet and you might end up losing your feet as well as your legs.
In order to find out if you are suffering from this type of disease you need to check your blood glucose on a regular basis.
If your blood glucose is high, it means that our body does not produce any insulin to burn into energy.
The sugar that is now stuck in your arteries or bloodstream damages important parts of your body.
If you are unfortunate to have diabetes, you need to ensure that you take your medicine like clockwork.
The moment you do not look after this disease by taking the medicine you might find yourself on the same list as so many other people where you need to inject yourself with insulin.
In order to monitor your blood glucose levels sufficiently you need to get your doctor or a pharmacist to test it for you at least every three months.
While you are testing your blood glucose levels, you might just as well test your cholesterol and blood pressure.
These two plays a big part in controlling diabetes as well.
It does not mean that your life is ending when you have this disease.
You will still be able to lead a long and very healthy life with diabetes.
All you need to do is to eat the right kinds of food that will not increase your sugar levels.
Exercise is also very important, as you will need to keep your body in the best condition.
Even though you will not be able to consume sugary foods and drinks, you can still enjoy good meals and desserts.
Make sure that you use sugar free substitutes in desserts.
If you look around in shops, you can find diabetic jams, chocolates, drinks, food as well as desserts.
In the process, you can teach your family to be a lot healthier as well.