The Battle of Los Angeles
There are billions upon billions of stars and planets out there, we are a mere spec in the universe.
How can it be possible that we are the only living things in the universe? It seems near impossible.
But there is no proof, only the stories we've collected in our society.
We have never found another life form in space or on another planet.
How can we find aliens? Well, there is SETI, and then there are accounts that we've made of our own, about UFOs.
As SETI has turned up no radio signals, our best bet is to look through these accounts, and examine them in a scientific manner.
There is no evidence for alien life for now, But there are up to 5,000 sightings of UFOs every year, Could they be Actual Aliens? Or just mass hysteria? Here is a good example, of what might be a massive UFO phenomenon, or just a case of public hysteria.
Well here is a event that happened at February 25 1942.
UFO sighting at Los Angeles California,that is now known as the "Battle of Los Angeles".
What had happened According to Wikipedia was A UFO was seen flying over a military base, Air raid sirens where sounded throughout Los angelese county and A total blackout was ordered,thousands of air raid wardens were called in to man there positions.
Exactly at 3:16am on February 25 1942, The 37th Coast Artillery Brigade Began firing anti aircraft weapons at the the U.
The night sky was lite up with spotlights.
Over 1400 shells where fired.
The Fire Continued until 4:14a.
The All Clear was sounded and the blackout was lifted at 7:21 am.
Later During a press conference, they said it was a miss fire, from war nerves.
It was just a weather balloon.
They thought it was an attack from the Japanese.
Those are the facts.
What could it have been? A Japaneses Airplane? Just a simple weather balloon? Some think it was really a Alien Spacecraft.
If it was a airplane or a balloon why would they need to shoot 1400 Anti Aircraft shells to take out a balloon? One can only guess.
Are there Aliens out there? Most Likely, Is there proof? No.
Not yet.
Would it be a good idea to contact aliens? That's a whole different story.