The Alcoholism Epidemic - A Direct Result of Our Toxic Alcohol Environment
Throughout the developed world, the incidence of the disease known as alcoholism (as defined by DSM-IV) is increasing at such an alarming rate that it is often referred to as an epidemic.
Experts argue as to the aetiology of alcoholism.
Factors such as genetics, biochemical abnormalities, inheritance are all implicated.
It is probable that several factors are involved.
My argument is wholly different.
To start my thesis, let us first accept that all sufferers from alcoholism have whatever combination of genetic, social, biochemical, psychological factors to give them the potential to become addicted to alcohol.
The mix will doubtless be different for different people.
For now, please just accept that they have the right (wrong) mix for them.
Now, place that person in an environment where alcohol had never even been heard of, never mind available.
What would become of them? I think that I know the answer.
The answer is that they would be fine.
I believe that we live in what I refer to as a Toxic Alcohol Environment, where a combination of social conditions, ignorance, politics and big business place us an environment where bad things (i.
poor drinking habits) are not only inevitable but actively encouraged, i.
an environment that is toxic.
I'm a bit of a film buff, and I love the old black and white movies; especially Alfred Hitchcock.
These films from the late thirties onwards are a testament to how our society has changed over the recent years.
Everybody smoked.
There isn't a scene where some, if not all of the actors are either smoking or lighting up.
The scenes are all partially obscured by a deep fug.
That simply does not occur nowadays.
Over the previous century or more, cigarette smoking was encouraged (it was even promoted that it provided health benefits!); aggressively marketed by big business; and was relatively cheap.
In short, at that time there was a Toxic Smoking Environment.
Similarly, alcohol is aggressively marketed by big business; especially to new markets such as teenagers (e.
alcopops where drinks that taste like soft drinks are spiked with alcohol; even test tube like containers that make downing the whole thing in one go really easy).
Cheap booze is available from competing supermarkets as never before (alcohol is, for many supermarket chains, a loss leader to get customers in, and is often cheaper than bottled water!).
Twenty four hour licensing hours mean that it is freely available at any time.
In short, a Toxic Alcohol Environment.
Unfortunately, as with other examples, the long term effects of alcohol on both individuals and populations has not recognised for some time.
However, the boom could not last.
With the explosion in the number of heavy drinkers, and the ensuing inevitable torrent of alcohol-related consequences (medical, social and criminal), the authorities and the professions are now finally turning their attention to this social evil.
Therefore, my thesis is that alcoholism is a chronic medical condition that, for a genetically predisposed individual living in our current toxic alcohol environment, results from a personal trigger that means that alcohol becomes their fun, support, hiding place or recreational drug of choice.
Alcohol is everywhere, as is food and tobacco.
Almost everybody will have tried alcohol at some stage.
For those with a predisposition, this first taste was potentially the start of a life time of problems with alcohol.
So, what creates a toxic environment? I have analysed this and produced the following elements that I believe result in any particular substance or activity becoming pernicious and harmful.
oan individual's own genetic predisposition; oreadiness of availability; osocial acceptability of the substance or activity; ostrength of its addictive potential; ocost to maintain the habit; olegality; ocriminal profitability.
Using these criteria, one can then assess numerous different potentially anti-social activities.
For example: oCannabis and marijuana - so called lesser class drugs oHeroin and cocaine - higher class drugs oGambling (now made considerably more comfortable in the considerably upgraded bookmakers shops, and more easily done via the plethora of easy to use, credit card taking internet gambling sites); oCompulsive shopping (again, now made considerably easier through the internet); oThe new spectre on the horizon - pornography (again, now readily available, anonymously, and often for free, via the internet); oChocolate; oCaffeine.
The easier that substance or activity is to get hold of; the cheaper it is; the more addictive it is by nature; the more it is marketed; and if it legal or has been legalised, the more likely it is that that particular individual will succumb to that substance or activity.
If he or she lived in another time, or another place, then they may well not have succumbed to anything.
In summary, it is my premise that there are many substances or activities that can prove problematic to individuals, and eventually to society as a whole, through the actions of those individuals.
The people that it is likely to affect the most are those with a genetic predisposition to that particular activity or substance.
Whether they fall under the spell depends on whether there is a toxic environment for that substance or activity at that time and where they are.
Alcohol has now very much come into its own in our self-inflicted toxic alcohol environment.
Baclofen is a revolutionary new treatment to help the individual manage their own alcoholism.
However, the epidemic will only ever be controlled or reversed when government, interested organisations and big business address the toxic alcohol environment.
That will mean addressing issues such as opening hours; happy hours, two-for-one deals, as much as you can drink etc; pricing and tax issues; advertising; punishments for selling to underage drinkers and for continuing to serve people who are obviously intoxicated.
Experts argue as to the aetiology of alcoholism.
Factors such as genetics, biochemical abnormalities, inheritance are all implicated.
It is probable that several factors are involved.
My argument is wholly different.
To start my thesis, let us first accept that all sufferers from alcoholism have whatever combination of genetic, social, biochemical, psychological factors to give them the potential to become addicted to alcohol.
The mix will doubtless be different for different people.
For now, please just accept that they have the right (wrong) mix for them.
Now, place that person in an environment where alcohol had never even been heard of, never mind available.
What would become of them? I think that I know the answer.
The answer is that they would be fine.
I believe that we live in what I refer to as a Toxic Alcohol Environment, where a combination of social conditions, ignorance, politics and big business place us an environment where bad things (i.
poor drinking habits) are not only inevitable but actively encouraged, i.
an environment that is toxic.
I'm a bit of a film buff, and I love the old black and white movies; especially Alfred Hitchcock.
These films from the late thirties onwards are a testament to how our society has changed over the recent years.
Everybody smoked.
There isn't a scene where some, if not all of the actors are either smoking or lighting up.
The scenes are all partially obscured by a deep fug.
That simply does not occur nowadays.
Over the previous century or more, cigarette smoking was encouraged (it was even promoted that it provided health benefits!); aggressively marketed by big business; and was relatively cheap.
In short, at that time there was a Toxic Smoking Environment.
Similarly, alcohol is aggressively marketed by big business; especially to new markets such as teenagers (e.
alcopops where drinks that taste like soft drinks are spiked with alcohol; even test tube like containers that make downing the whole thing in one go really easy).
Cheap booze is available from competing supermarkets as never before (alcohol is, for many supermarket chains, a loss leader to get customers in, and is often cheaper than bottled water!).
Twenty four hour licensing hours mean that it is freely available at any time.
In short, a Toxic Alcohol Environment.
Unfortunately, as with other examples, the long term effects of alcohol on both individuals and populations has not recognised for some time.
However, the boom could not last.
With the explosion in the number of heavy drinkers, and the ensuing inevitable torrent of alcohol-related consequences (medical, social and criminal), the authorities and the professions are now finally turning their attention to this social evil.
Therefore, my thesis is that alcoholism is a chronic medical condition that, for a genetically predisposed individual living in our current toxic alcohol environment, results from a personal trigger that means that alcohol becomes their fun, support, hiding place or recreational drug of choice.
Alcohol is everywhere, as is food and tobacco.
Almost everybody will have tried alcohol at some stage.
For those with a predisposition, this first taste was potentially the start of a life time of problems with alcohol.
So, what creates a toxic environment? I have analysed this and produced the following elements that I believe result in any particular substance or activity becoming pernicious and harmful.
oan individual's own genetic predisposition; oreadiness of availability; osocial acceptability of the substance or activity; ostrength of its addictive potential; ocost to maintain the habit; olegality; ocriminal profitability.
Using these criteria, one can then assess numerous different potentially anti-social activities.
For example: oCannabis and marijuana - so called lesser class drugs oHeroin and cocaine - higher class drugs oGambling (now made considerably more comfortable in the considerably upgraded bookmakers shops, and more easily done via the plethora of easy to use, credit card taking internet gambling sites); oCompulsive shopping (again, now made considerably easier through the internet); oThe new spectre on the horizon - pornography (again, now readily available, anonymously, and often for free, via the internet); oChocolate; oCaffeine.
The easier that substance or activity is to get hold of; the cheaper it is; the more addictive it is by nature; the more it is marketed; and if it legal or has been legalised, the more likely it is that that particular individual will succumb to that substance or activity.
If he or she lived in another time, or another place, then they may well not have succumbed to anything.
In summary, it is my premise that there are many substances or activities that can prove problematic to individuals, and eventually to society as a whole, through the actions of those individuals.
The people that it is likely to affect the most are those with a genetic predisposition to that particular activity or substance.
Whether they fall under the spell depends on whether there is a toxic environment for that substance or activity at that time and where they are.
Alcohol has now very much come into its own in our self-inflicted toxic alcohol environment.
Baclofen is a revolutionary new treatment to help the individual manage their own alcoholism.
However, the epidemic will only ever be controlled or reversed when government, interested organisations and big business address the toxic alcohol environment.
That will mean addressing issues such as opening hours; happy hours, two-for-one deals, as much as you can drink etc; pricing and tax issues; advertising; punishments for selling to underage drinkers and for continuing to serve people who are obviously intoxicated.