Develop the Right Perception of Network Marketing!
Traditionally, people in network marketing have been taught to use a sales approach. Some people have resorted to pressuring and closing there. These sales tactic have harmed the perception of network marketing for some people. The new generation of network marketers does not resort to sales tactics and pushing their friends to join. Treating others with respect and maintaining high a degree of integrity is what draws people to them and the industry.
Today, we all realize that franchising is a legitimate form of business. But do you realize that back in the 1950's franchising was frowned upon and people had a terrible perception about it? There was no regulatory system. Companies were setting up big corporations and getting people to invest thousands of dollars in their franchise and in some cases they set up pyramid scheme. In the 1960's, a law making franchising illegal fell just 11 votes short of passing in the U.S. House of Representatives!
Just think, if it had, you couldn't go to McDonald's, you couldn't go to Subway. The perception people had of franchising was terrible, just about the same perception that people have today about network marketing.
Some day down the road, network marketing will be as popular, or more popular than franchising. Before that happens, people will have to understand the true essence of the industry and understand that network marketing is just as honorable as franchising or any other legitimate form of business.
If you treat your network marketing like a $150 business, it's going to treat you the same way. If you treat it with the same degree of professionalism as you would $150,000 franchise, you'll be more committed to the business.
Most businesses have a negatives and steep learning curves. For example, if you bought a hamburger franchise, would you wake up at night in excitement and say "All my life I've wanted to flip hamburgers and hire teenagers-now I can do it! Of course not. As a business person you understand there are things you must do to be successful that are viewed negative.
The perception you develop in doing those things, as a franchise owner, is the same perception you must develop for network marketing. To be successful, look at the big picture and long term financial benefit.
Keep in mind that network marketing is not an easy pursuit, but the rewards far out weigh the effort. "In the beginning you will do more work than you get paid for, but in the end you will get paid for a lot more than what you did". What other industry do you know that can reward you for work you've done in the past? Earning profits with network marketing, instead of wages, is definitely the better return on invested time.
If you develop the right perception of network marketing today, you are one day closer to financial success.
Network marketing is a win win situation. The more people you help the more you will gain financially to reach your goals in life. If you would like more information click the link below in the resource box.