Important Tips For Diabetic Exercises
These important tips for diabetic exercises are essential to achieve optimum health.
There are a lot of people that loathe exercise, especially if you have not done any physical activity for a while or you have health issues.
It is easy to find excuses as to why you can't do exercises, but the long term positives far out weigh the reasons why you need to exercise.
Some of the positives include:
By implementing these important diabetic exercise tips you will notice some great results in achieving optimum health.
There are a lot of people that loathe exercise, especially if you have not done any physical activity for a while or you have health issues.
It is easy to find excuses as to why you can't do exercises, but the long term positives far out weigh the reasons why you need to exercise.
Some of the positives include:
- Reduced stress and tension
- Improvement on the body's response to insulin which can lower your blood sugar levels
- Increased energy levels
- Improvement on sleep
- Lowering of blood pressure and improve your cholesterol, which of course reduces the risk of heart disease
- Stronger Bones
- Weight management, and
- Improved mental outlook and general well-being
- Each time you start a diabetic exercise session, make a mental note to yourself about how important this is to your overall achievement to reaching optimum health
- Try to do your exercise sessions at regular times on specific days
- Try to do the exercise sessions with a family member or friend so that you can stay committed
- Make sure that you wear comfortable clothing and most importantly good quality footwear as recommended by your podiatrist
- Start your exercise sessions slowing and gradually increase your pace each time you exercise
- If you are taking diabetes medication or insulin, it is vital that your carry jellybeans or glucose tablets with you all the time in case your blood glucose levels drop too low
- Make sure that you wear sunscreen and a hat if suitable for your particular exercise
- Make sure that you have plenty of water on hand at all times, you do not want to become dehydrated
- If you are doing a longer exercise session, remember to take some short breaks as required, and
- Do not take part in an exercise session if you are unwell as this will only make things worse
- Make sure that you warm up for at least five minutes so that you can prepare your body for a more intense exercise activity, this will help so that you do not cause any injury to yourself by having your muscles stiff.
Some examples are swinging your arms or a gentle walk - Next you should do a more intense exercise activity like aerobics, which may include walking, swimming, gardening, dancing or cycling.
This will get your heart rate going as well as your breathing rate, if you are up to it you can also include some resistance training that can include lunges, squats or push-ups. - And finally the cooling down stage that should last for at least five minutes.
Try doing this with stretching exercises like reaching for the sky or touching your toes.
This will allow for your body to stay flexible and will decrease your chance of any injuries, the other important aspect of cooling down is that it dissipates lactic acid which get formed when you exercise your muscles, by doing a cool down it will return your body to it's normal state
By implementing these important diabetic exercise tips you will notice some great results in achieving optimum health.