Seven Harmful Chemicals in Cigarettes That Will Put You Off For Life
When you go out and buy a cigarette are you aware of all the chemicals that exist in a cigarette? Well you know about Nicotine but do you know what it does to you? No I would say you honestly do not have a clue! Well I am going to tell you because if you really want to go along in life blindly smoking cigarettes then I think somebody ie ME, should open those eyes for you.
To start with before I wrote this article I was not aware of all the chemicals that are contained in that little stick you put in your mouth.
Well it has been determined that the smoke from a fag emits up to 4000 chemicals which could have various toxic, mutagenic - capable of inducing mutation and carcinogenic - causing or tending to cause cancer effects.
The content and concentration of chemical ingredients can vary widely from one brand or type of cigarette to the next.
Below is a list of 7 of those 4000 and what they do.
NICOTINE - (Insecticide/addictive drug) - This is one of the most addictive substances known to man.
This is the chemical that causes addiction to the cigarette and is a very powerful and fast acting medical and non-medical poison.
CARBON MONOXIDE (Car Exhaust Fumes) - This is an odourless and tasteless poisonous gas.
If taken in large amounts it can be fatal.
AMMONIA (toilet cleaner) - This product is found in dry cleaning products, but its use in a cigarette is to give flavouring and to release the Nicotine from the tobacco to turn it into a gas.
FORMALDEHYDE (embalming fluid) - A colourless liquid used to preserve dead bodies.
It is highly poisonous and can cause cancer as well as respiratory, skin and stomach problems.
BENZENE (petrol additive) - A colourless hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum.
It is used as a solvent in fuel and chemical manufacture and is released in the smoke of the cigarette.
It is known to cause cancer and especially leukaemia.
ACETONE (nail polish remover) - Used as a solvent and found in the smoke of the cigarette.
TAR - This is the main chemical drawn into the lungs.
When a cigarette is smoked the actual smoke that is inhaled condenses and approx 70% of the tar in the smoke is deposited into the lungs.
Now that I have written the above I can see how people become addicted so easily but I cannot see any reason to not attempt to break the addiction.
If anyone who wants to give up cannot see a good reason not to then I feel very sorry for their health.
Also I want everyone to give up as I do not want to inhale passive smoke from anybody because I too can see what harm that must do to non smoker.
To start with before I wrote this article I was not aware of all the chemicals that are contained in that little stick you put in your mouth.
Well it has been determined that the smoke from a fag emits up to 4000 chemicals which could have various toxic, mutagenic - capable of inducing mutation and carcinogenic - causing or tending to cause cancer effects.
The content and concentration of chemical ingredients can vary widely from one brand or type of cigarette to the next.
Below is a list of 7 of those 4000 and what they do.
NICOTINE - (Insecticide/addictive drug) - This is one of the most addictive substances known to man.
This is the chemical that causes addiction to the cigarette and is a very powerful and fast acting medical and non-medical poison.
CARBON MONOXIDE (Car Exhaust Fumes) - This is an odourless and tasteless poisonous gas.
If taken in large amounts it can be fatal.
AMMONIA (toilet cleaner) - This product is found in dry cleaning products, but its use in a cigarette is to give flavouring and to release the Nicotine from the tobacco to turn it into a gas.
FORMALDEHYDE (embalming fluid) - A colourless liquid used to preserve dead bodies.
It is highly poisonous and can cause cancer as well as respiratory, skin and stomach problems.
BENZENE (petrol additive) - A colourless hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum.
It is used as a solvent in fuel and chemical manufacture and is released in the smoke of the cigarette.
It is known to cause cancer and especially leukaemia.
ACETONE (nail polish remover) - Used as a solvent and found in the smoke of the cigarette.
TAR - This is the main chemical drawn into the lungs.
When a cigarette is smoked the actual smoke that is inhaled condenses and approx 70% of the tar in the smoke is deposited into the lungs.
Now that I have written the above I can see how people become addicted so easily but I cannot see any reason to not attempt to break the addiction.
If anyone who wants to give up cannot see a good reason not to then I feel very sorry for their health.
Also I want everyone to give up as I do not want to inhale passive smoke from anybody because I too can see what harm that must do to non smoker.