How to Find Your Old School Friends
Sites like Facebook and Twitter now make finding old friends far easier than ever before.
By using Facebook and sites like Twitter, you can easily discover old friends from the comfort of home.
Friends reunited on Facebook and Twitter are given a second chance to reestablish long lost friendships and relationships.
Facebook was created in the year 2004: it is a popular social networking site that is easy to use.
Accounts can be established on Facebook for free, and once the user sets up a fast and easy profile, the profile becomes available for others to find.
This is why friends reunited on Facebook can actually get together; created profiles are searchable so that friends can look for old school friends or current school friends with ease.
Establishing a profile on Facebook is simple and only requires that you answer basic questions about who you are, where you are from, what you like to do, and about your education.
You do not have to answer all of the questions posed, but the more questions you answer, the easier it becomes to reunite with friends on Facebook.
Friends reunited on Facebook find each other by searching for a specific name of a person that they are looking for by inserting the person's name in the search box.
A listing of people with that name, along with their photo is supplied so finding lost friends is possible via a photo assessment too: this allows you to make sure you have found the right person you are looking for.
School friends can also be found via email too; if you have friends on your email contact list, you can follow the easy to use instructions to upload your contact list to see who is on Facebook.
Twitter is another simplified site to use when seeking to reunite with old school friends.
Much like Facebook, Twitter allows for free sign up with an email address and password creation.
You can create a Twitter account in minutes, and begin searching for people that you know by name that are part of the Twitter network.
Twitter also allows you to post small, two to three word sentences about news, or what is new in your life; this allows old friends to stay in touch and keep connected for free.