Some Tips on Stopping Smoking
Are you looking for tips on stopping smoking? And would you like to know what are some ways to help quit? Now let me remind you that when we come to the actual quitting process, that it is not going to be easy.
Please do not consider yourself to be superhuman so be ready to get external help if you need it.
As I told you earlier, there might be physical, mental and emotional changes when you stop smoking.
But you do not have to worry.
There is plenty of help available nowadays.
Below are some tips on stopping smoking: Medical Help: If you can get professional medical help, then it's even better.
Getting professional medical help does not mean that you have to under go prolonged medical treatment.
Your doctor or even your dentist will be able to guide you and provide you with all the solutions to your queries.
They will able to suggest methods of handling the withdrawal symptoms and even prescribe medicines that can help you, and they can give you even more tips on stopping smoking.
Medicines: The U.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved five medications to help you quit smoking: 1.
Bupropion SR -- Available by prescription 2.
Nicotine gum -- Available over-the-counter 3.
Nicotine inhaler -- Available by prescription 4.
Nicotine nasal spray -- Available by prescription 5.
Nicotine patch -- Available by prescription and over-the-counter Taking these medicines will not just double your chances of succeeding but will actually increase your chances by a whooping 80%.
But of course it is highly recommended that you start using these medicines after consulting a medical practitioner.
Counseling: You might also consider possibilities like group counseling or telephone counseling.
Group counseling has a wonderful effect, because there is nothing that feels as good as having others who face the same problems that you are encountering.
When you hear the fears of others, and how difficult t is for them to pull no, you will feel surprisingly encouraged.
Group counseling will provide you a wonderful arena to compare notes with other fellow quitters and you can watch and monitor your progress.
Please do not consider yourself to be superhuman so be ready to get external help if you need it.
As I told you earlier, there might be physical, mental and emotional changes when you stop smoking.
But you do not have to worry.
There is plenty of help available nowadays.
Below are some tips on stopping smoking: Medical Help: If you can get professional medical help, then it's even better.
Getting professional medical help does not mean that you have to under go prolonged medical treatment.
Your doctor or even your dentist will be able to guide you and provide you with all the solutions to your queries.
They will able to suggest methods of handling the withdrawal symptoms and even prescribe medicines that can help you, and they can give you even more tips on stopping smoking.
Medicines: The U.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved five medications to help you quit smoking: 1.
Bupropion SR -- Available by prescription 2.
Nicotine gum -- Available over-the-counter 3.
Nicotine inhaler -- Available by prescription 4.
Nicotine nasal spray -- Available by prescription 5.
Nicotine patch -- Available by prescription and over-the-counter Taking these medicines will not just double your chances of succeeding but will actually increase your chances by a whooping 80%.
But of course it is highly recommended that you start using these medicines after consulting a medical practitioner.
Counseling: You might also consider possibilities like group counseling or telephone counseling.
Group counseling has a wonderful effect, because there is nothing that feels as good as having others who face the same problems that you are encountering.
When you hear the fears of others, and how difficult t is for them to pull no, you will feel surprisingly encouraged.
Group counseling will provide you a wonderful arena to compare notes with other fellow quitters and you can watch and monitor your progress.