Take the Mystery Out of Shopping
Something other than what the "landing pages" was telling me.
I wanted real life information.
Not being an avid shopper myself, I wanted to find out what the appeal was to women.
Quite frankly I have never been much of a shopper.
You are probably thinking I am making this up, after all the entire stereotype is women=shopping.
I like to go into a store, get what I want, and get out!As a smart consumer, I am hopeless.
My husband hoards the coupon section of the paper like it is gold!He clips coupons and uses them! So after reading different articles, I discovered I am not the only person to not like shopping, but someone has to do it.
So I talked my ever-patient husband into trying out one of the Mystery Shopping sites that I sell.
On a trial basis, of course, as all have a money back guarantee.
No one would believe that he took to it like a duck takes to water.
He gets really excited about shopping; any kind of shopping.
He doesn't even care what he is shopping for...
he knows what the price should be, appreciates good customer service, quality, etc.
, all the things a Mystery Shopper has to look for when shopping.
And he is organized!He keeps it all-straight in a folder! His newfound love of shopping has enabled him to bring some great products home, free of charge.
I get taken out to dinner more.
All at someone else's expense plus he gets paid to do this.
He talks to his retirement buddies, and they go out to lunch together, they have to pay their way, but his lunch is FREE.
When reading the articles, I really didn't get it.
I am not sure I get why people get so excited about shopping even now, but I can see the benefits of a Mystery Shopper, and I now have a better understanding of how the system works.
You shop at pre-determined places; you eat at pre-determined restaurants: you go to pre-determined theaters...
you pick which assignments you can take...
and you get paid over and above the costs.
Even for an avid non-shopper this doesn't sound to bad.