Laser Treatment to Quit Smoking
Using laser treatment to quit smoking is based on the practice behind acupuncture. Using laser treatment to quit smoking consists of using lasers to stimulate the acupuncture or acupressure points. This is done in the same way as where acupuncture needles would be used, inserted into specific regions of the body, but low power lasers are used instead.
According to the Cochrane Library, using acupuncture and related therapies such as laser treatment to quit smoking do not appear to help smokers who are trying to quit.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy, generally using needles to stimulate particular points in the body. Acupuncture is used with the aim of reducing the withdrawal symptoms people experience when they try to quit smoking. Related therapies include acupressure, laser therapy and electrical stimulation.
To reach the conclusion that laser therapy to quit smoking was ineffective, 24 case studies where reviewed. Active acupuncture or related therapies was compared with sham acupuncture or their related therapy (using needles or lasers at other places in the body not thought to be useful) or other control conditions.
The review did not find consistent evidence that active acupuncture or related techniques such as laser therapy to quit smoking increased the number of people who could successfully quit smoking.
However, acupuncture may be better than doing nothing, at least in the short term; and there is not enough evidence to dismiss the possibility that acupuncture might have an effect greater than placebo.
It is tantalising to think that the accepted placebo effect could be enhanced when using acupuncture or laser therapy to quit smoking. However, the same enhanced placebo effect may be found with many other interventions to help quit smoking.
It is fair to say that adequate numbers of scientific studies into the effectiveness of laser therapy to quit smoking have not taken place to make a definitive decision one way or another. However, there are many other interventions, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which have been proven to significantly enhance a smoker's chance of success.
According to the Cochrane Library, using acupuncture and related therapies such as laser treatment to quit smoking do not appear to help smokers who are trying to quit.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy, generally using needles to stimulate particular points in the body. Acupuncture is used with the aim of reducing the withdrawal symptoms people experience when they try to quit smoking. Related therapies include acupressure, laser therapy and electrical stimulation.
To reach the conclusion that laser therapy to quit smoking was ineffective, 24 case studies where reviewed. Active acupuncture or related therapies was compared with sham acupuncture or their related therapy (using needles or lasers at other places in the body not thought to be useful) or other control conditions.
The review did not find consistent evidence that active acupuncture or related techniques such as laser therapy to quit smoking increased the number of people who could successfully quit smoking.
However, acupuncture may be better than doing nothing, at least in the short term; and there is not enough evidence to dismiss the possibility that acupuncture might have an effect greater than placebo.
It is tantalising to think that the accepted placebo effect could be enhanced when using acupuncture or laser therapy to quit smoking. However, the same enhanced placebo effect may be found with many other interventions to help quit smoking.
It is fair to say that adequate numbers of scientific studies into the effectiveness of laser therapy to quit smoking have not taken place to make a definitive decision one way or another. However, there are many other interventions, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which have been proven to significantly enhance a smoker's chance of success.