The 5 Steps For Women on How to Lose Weight Naturally
Do you want to lose weight naturally by using whole foods and without diet pills, appetite suppressants, fat blocker pills, and other unnecessary supplements or prescribed drugs? The answer is you can which can be summarized in 5 steps that will provide you with a clear picture on how to implement it.
Step One - Increase your metabolism Your metabolism is your number one priority on how to lose weight naturally, and that is particularly true for women.
Because from my experience in the past, I have seen many young women follow low calorie diets for a long time, and that can decrease your metabolism too much.
Step Two - Thermic Food Effect The thermic effect of food or sometimes called the diet-induced thermogenesis is that this effect can burn calories up to10-12 percent.
So when you are eating a meal, you are also burning calories.
Protein has the highest thermic effect among the three macro nutrients which are fat, carbohydrate, and protein.
Even though all the macro nutrients are important in your daily diet, try to consume a slightly higher amount of protein, then carbohydrate (comes second in the thermic effect), and last is fat.
Step Three - Eat Whole Foods This is self explanatory so make sure you eat whole foods which are minimally processed.
Step Four - Sweet Tooth Make fruits your desserts by eating fresh and frozen.
Be creative and eat a variety.
Frozen grapes and all kinds of berries can be as delicious as the fresh ones.
The same thing goes for some of the tropical fruits (i.
bananas, dates) that can be eaten dried or fresh.
Step Five - Eliminate high fructose and sugary drinks Why in the world any woman would drink soda is beyond me! Especially when some of them are wondering why they are not losing weight.
I am not saying if you stop drinking soda or other so called juices you will lose body weight as if it is the only problem.
But what I am saying is this, refraining from drinking these kinds of beverages will put you in a much better position to lose weight than a woman who is drinking soda.
Step One - Increase your metabolism Your metabolism is your number one priority on how to lose weight naturally, and that is particularly true for women.
Because from my experience in the past, I have seen many young women follow low calorie diets for a long time, and that can decrease your metabolism too much.
Step Two - Thermic Food Effect The thermic effect of food or sometimes called the diet-induced thermogenesis is that this effect can burn calories up to10-12 percent.
So when you are eating a meal, you are also burning calories.
Protein has the highest thermic effect among the three macro nutrients which are fat, carbohydrate, and protein.
Even though all the macro nutrients are important in your daily diet, try to consume a slightly higher amount of protein, then carbohydrate (comes second in the thermic effect), and last is fat.
Step Three - Eat Whole Foods This is self explanatory so make sure you eat whole foods which are minimally processed.
Step Four - Sweet Tooth Make fruits your desserts by eating fresh and frozen.
Be creative and eat a variety.
Frozen grapes and all kinds of berries can be as delicious as the fresh ones.
The same thing goes for some of the tropical fruits (i.
bananas, dates) that can be eaten dried or fresh.
Step Five - Eliminate high fructose and sugary drinks Why in the world any woman would drink soda is beyond me! Especially when some of them are wondering why they are not losing weight.
I am not saying if you stop drinking soda or other so called juices you will lose body weight as if it is the only problem.
But what I am saying is this, refraining from drinking these kinds of beverages will put you in a much better position to lose weight than a woman who is drinking soda.