Natural Ways to Stop Smoking Today
If your New Year's Resolution was to stop smoking, then you are like thousands of other people around the globe with the same goal.
But maybe you're finding it more difficult than you thought.
Or perhaps you have tried to stop smoking before and did not succeed.
Maybe you quit for awhile and then picked it back up at some point.
Many smokers find that natural ways to stop smoking help them achieve their goals easier than other methods that are available today.
The first step is to have a good reason to quit.
If your intentions are not correct, you will not be able to succeed in your goals to quit smoking.
If someone else is pressuring you to quit but you don't feel motivated on your own yet, it can hinder your progress.
When you want to stop smoking with natural methods, your mental approach to it will be very important.
You need to try to remove the guilt that is associated with being a smoker.
The guilt will hold you back and trap you in a spiral of smoking-feeling guilty about smoking- then smoking again.
If you'd like some natural aides to help you on your journey to stop smoking, consider: Licorice- While there is little scientific evidence to support this one, smokers going back many decades agree that licorice can help you stop smoking.
You can use sticks of licorice root when you have a craving for a cigarette.
Just be sure to use it in moderation and not for more than about six weeks straight as it can have side effects when consumed too much and too often.
Carrots- Next time you want to have a smoke, munch on a carrot instead.
You can keep little baggies of carrots with you in the car, at work or around you for when you want to smoke.
Carrots are also great for your health in a number of other ways and they can help with the oral fixation that often comes with wanting to smoke.
Red clover- red clover has long been known as a cancer preventer but it can also help you to stop smoking or using smokeless tobacco.
You can even chew on the leaves of red clover instead of tobacco, making it a great way to kick the habit.
It's also very helpful to have support on your stop-smoking journey.
Someone who has been there before and understands the unique challenges you face is preferred but any supportive friends or family members will do.
You need to have someone you can turn to when you feel tempted or when you are stressed out and really want that smoke to ease your tension.
Don't beat yourself up if you slip sometime along your journey; just keep trying.
Disclaimer: The author is writing from personal experience and the advice in this article is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.
Please do not try to self-diagnose or self-treat without the guidance of your doctor.
But maybe you're finding it more difficult than you thought.
Or perhaps you have tried to stop smoking before and did not succeed.
Maybe you quit for awhile and then picked it back up at some point.
Many smokers find that natural ways to stop smoking help them achieve their goals easier than other methods that are available today.
The first step is to have a good reason to quit.
If your intentions are not correct, you will not be able to succeed in your goals to quit smoking.
If someone else is pressuring you to quit but you don't feel motivated on your own yet, it can hinder your progress.
When you want to stop smoking with natural methods, your mental approach to it will be very important.
You need to try to remove the guilt that is associated with being a smoker.
The guilt will hold you back and trap you in a spiral of smoking-feeling guilty about smoking- then smoking again.
If you'd like some natural aides to help you on your journey to stop smoking, consider: Licorice- While there is little scientific evidence to support this one, smokers going back many decades agree that licorice can help you stop smoking.
You can use sticks of licorice root when you have a craving for a cigarette.
Just be sure to use it in moderation and not for more than about six weeks straight as it can have side effects when consumed too much and too often.
Carrots- Next time you want to have a smoke, munch on a carrot instead.
You can keep little baggies of carrots with you in the car, at work or around you for when you want to smoke.
Carrots are also great for your health in a number of other ways and they can help with the oral fixation that often comes with wanting to smoke.
Red clover- red clover has long been known as a cancer preventer but it can also help you to stop smoking or using smokeless tobacco.
You can even chew on the leaves of red clover instead of tobacco, making it a great way to kick the habit.
It's also very helpful to have support on your stop-smoking journey.
Someone who has been there before and understands the unique challenges you face is preferred but any supportive friends or family members will do.
You need to have someone you can turn to when you feel tempted or when you are stressed out and really want that smoke to ease your tension.
Don't beat yourself up if you slip sometime along your journey; just keep trying.
Disclaimer: The author is writing from personal experience and the advice in this article is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.
Please do not try to self-diagnose or self-treat without the guidance of your doctor.