The Effects of Diversity in the Workplace
- The effects of diversity in the workplace, in the best examples, are improved employee and organizational performance. Guidelines for diversity management can be found through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's website. The effects of diversity are primarily anecdotal. The challenge of a diverse workplace provides an opportunity to prevent discrimination and enhance an employee's perception of value within your organization.
- Diversity in the workplace has been emphasized to recognize differences among employees and management. Training that is primarily talk-oriented can be counterproductive by increasing the employee's sense of "walking on eggshells." For talk-oriented trainings, participants are expected to watch a video or engage in a brainstorm about stereotypes. This training exercise, limited to cultural or race awareness, has not proved effective in changing behaviors.
- People "who have a cognitive understanding of the benefits of diversity but are not supportive of its integration into the fabric of the organization, are not aware of their obstruction," according to Marvin Johnson, the founder and executive director of the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Their resistance, Johnson says, effectively creates barriers to diversity. The behavior of ignoring information, or delaying action, is a traditional effect of diversity.
- The diversity training goals of the federal government include "behavior that respects each individual, preserves human dignity, honors personal privacy, and values individual differences as well as common characteristics." Moving the focus from awareness of cultural differences to adaptation of behavior is necessary to produce the positive effects of diversity in the workplace.
- An effect of decreased claims of discrimination or unlawful workplace harassment is created through diversity trainings. Diversity in the workplace is the reality. Its traditional effect has resulted in a fear of loss by some diversity resisters. Fostering mutual respect is essential to manage the effects of diversity in the workplace. Increased understanding through diversity training works to effectively integrate cultural competency.
- Workplace diversity issues arise from invisible and often unconscious patterns that are ingrained and traditional. Adaptation to consistent cultural awareness and behavioral change is an achievement of successful diversity trainings. Task and role assignments allow the effects of diversity to bubble up, instead of trickle down. Diversity training in your organization holistically supports ownership and engagement.
- The most successful effect of diversity in the workplace is the alignment of your business across cultural boundaries. Access to nontraditional communities through promotion and support of your diverse employees is an effect of proper diversity trainings. Customer service improves when your employees are able to negotiate their own biases and exhibit mutual respect to all your clients.