A Napoleon Hill Biggy
Since the publication of Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich", whole empires exist because of these principles.
Since reading "Think and Grow Rich", I wanted to be apart of a Master Mind group.
But this opportunity was not available anywhere in my life.
My friends in the nursing or teaching fields don't necessarily partake in the entrepreneurial vision. They are content to complain about the realities of the workplace and feel powerless to change some of the idiocies we all confront.
But nurses love their patients, and teachers, their students. Often we stay stuck because of this love we have for our charges.
My adventures as an Internet Marketer has elevated my vision. My first e-book and web-page is laying the foundation for my success in building my own Portable Empire.
I joined Pat O'Bryan's Portable Empire University prior to the launching of his book: Your Portable Empire: How To Make Money Anywhere Doing What You Love.
Soon after, Pat O'Bryan created Your Portable Empire Island over at Second Life, with the original intention of promoting his book.
Portable Empire Island has been a powerful experience for those of us who visit regularly.
For instance, we meet people we already knew from the University Forum at the island, and in the 3-D setting of Second Life where our little avatars communicate with everyone else's little avatar, these relationships are deepening.
Last night, we spontaneously formed a Master Mind group for Internet Marketers specifically to gain clarity on the projects we already have in our minds or have already started.
Napoleon Hill describes a Master Mind as: When two or more people meet, an unseen power is also present to lead and guide the group to further inspiration and insight.
Each person in the group comes to the meeting with a specific question or challenge and puts these before the group. Then each person decides what he/she will accomplish towards his/her goal by the time the group meets again.
For instance, if my challenge is an unfinished sales letter that needs to be written before I can write my e-book, then the group may offer suggestions for the major headline and body of the sales letter.
My goal may then be to have the sales letter written by the time of the next meeting.
Each Master Mind member in turn describes her/his challenge, and each member contributes her insight and intuition as to how to remedy the challenge or problem.
The unseen forces influence the minds of everyone there.
The Master Mind IS the power of the unseen, operating as creativity, flow and the higher acquisition of enlightened manifestation of all that is possible to achieve in this life time.
What you may think is impossible to achieve at point A of the journey suddenly becomes real.
I am new to the Master Mind game, but because I asked the Universe to provide me with the perfect group, I believe the perfect group appeared.
Pat O'Bryan was there when this Master Mind was born.
He was on the phone with Bill Hibler when I mentioned to the group that I was reading Bill's (and Joe Vitale's) book: "Meet and Grow Rich." The book is about the way to form a Master Mind group.
Pat wrote about this in his blog.
Synchronicity, master minds and destiny---all the components for the perfect hair raising, goose bumping, AHA moment--at the Meeting Of The Minds.