Some Misunderstandings Of Healthy Eating And Diet Style
Meanwhile, the scientists also make rectification of name for some food or diet style, which are considered to be harmful to people. Many people believe that cholesterol, which is a risk to heart disease, will increase by eating eggs. But the British University of Surrey researchers have found that eating two eggs a day in 12 weeks, all testers' cholesterol didn't elevate. Eggs are rich in vitamin D, vitamin B-12 and so on but low in fat. Although coffee is refreshing, however, many people think it play the role of a diuretic. In fact, moderate consumption of coffee does not make the body dehydrate. "The human body adapts to the diuretic substance in coffee, and coffee can also provide water for the human body," Dalton said. In addition, the United Kingdom Northumbria University researchers found that drinking decaffeinated coffee is not only not be refreshing, but also may give rise to more sleepiness and memory decline.