Social Traffic Secrets - How to Use the Power of Social Traffic to Your Advantage!
New businesses have to work many times harder to achieve the same degree of success as their early adopting competitors, which is one explanation as to why do so many new Internet businesses like their brick and mortar counterparts fail so quickly after they begin.
One way to increase your visibility is to use the growing field of social traffic to your advantage.
Social traffic can include any of several varieties; social networking web sites like My Space and Face Book, social book marking web sites like Yahoo Buzz, Stumble Upon and Digg and video sites such as the ever popular YouTube.
Each of these web sites have their own benefits but the one thing they all share in common is that there are a perfect place to begin growing your social traffic.
The best benefit of all is that having a presence on any one of these sites does not cost you anything.
If you have ever doubted the benefit of social traffic, look no further than CNN's Rick Sanchez who has made a name for himself and increased his viewership by having and publicizing a presence on Twitter, My Space and Face Book and interacting with his audience in real time during his live television show.
If it can work for Mr.
Sanchez then it can most certainly work for you and your small business on the Internet.
Never underestimate the strength and power of social traffic; I guarantee your competition hasn't!