Sneak Peeks at CCM Mag"s Nov 2006 Issue
The magazine has also been conducting its own awards and citations for the best and the top ranking artists in the scene, which is widely recognized by the industry.
Their November 2006 issue features Michael W.
Smith and the Best New Artist for 2006, Leeland, on the cover.
The cover story talks about how Christian music legend Michael W.
Smith came into writing with teenager Leeland Mooring for his nineteenth studio release.
Get Going section gives details on how the Newsboys came to throwing in the towel during the year 2005.
They were too close, but the band emanated with a new outlook, healthier relationships and a mission to reach the world.
An article for hip-hop act GRITS is also included in the issue.
This dynamic duo released their last album on Gotee Records in November 2006 before plunging into the independent arena.
The group shares their thoughts on the Christian music scene and the status of hip-hop.
Adrienne Liesching Camp, or simply Adie Camp, the wife of singer-songwriter Jeremy Camp and former front woman of The Benjamin Gate, has the story from how she decided to leave the music circle in quest of being a mom to taking a shot again into a new solo project.
The article delves deeper on how she raises her two daughters, manages her married life with Jeremy, while having a demanding schedule and a career of her own.
The music reviews for this issue include one from Jeremy Camp, Redeemer from Norma Jean and new releases from Newsboys, By the Tree and mewithoutYou.
The book section on the other hand offers reviews including titles that supplement the music you like, plus Christian fiction and non fiction for the book lovers.
While Tour notes include ZOEgirl saying goodbye, "The Revolve Tour," and more.
The Insider brings you behind the scenes to Skillet's video "Rebirthing.
" It gives a glance of the new live offer from Delirious, the exclusive on Lecrae, and many more.
The Independents section features 4 new Indies and Margaret's gifted advice.
Things I Love showcases Natalie Grant, and Loose Ends speaks about Nichole Nordeman's growth spurt.
History Makers with John Styll talks about celebrating the impact of the Gospel Music Association's four latest inductees.
There are the snips.
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