Introduction to Storytelling
" The art of storytelling is not difficult to learn and can be taught in a few lessons.
The tools used by storytellers can be used in many formats.
Those same tools are helpful to any public speaker by helping the speaker to recall words by working from images.
The speaker will also learn how to relax and use eye contact the correct way with audiences.
Both, the Actor and actress can benefit from storytellers tools by helping the performer recall scenes and lines within a play.
Body language, gestures, voice, facial expressions, movement and well placed pauses are all part of this art form.
Upon Upon introduction to storytelling, you may be somewhat mystified at the storytellers ability to memorize the story told.
The teller has not memorized at all, but instead uses images to recall each story element.
Storytelling can be a useful teaching tool, adding facts and characters in an entertaining way makes learning much more fun.
Story material is as close as your nearest library.
Many fables and folklore tales are available for free on the Internet.
Some tellers accept invitations to tell only in their regional area, while others accept nationally.
You will be pleasantly surprised how relaxed a storyteller is on stage as they present a story.
They do this by using the tools known to storytellers.
You can learn these tips and tricks too in a few easy lessons.