The lights police use are multifarious
An artist needs the finest brush and an astronaut needs the best space suit to perform, because, natural talent and innate intelligence requires the right type of tools to reach its optimum levels. With a policeman, the tools he will need to execute his plans are as much important in solving a crime as the logic on which he would base his inferences. And among the many tools that are necessary to execute things according to plan, the lights police use are extremely important.
The lights police need are basically of two types - the lights used on police vehicles and the flashlights that policemen carry on their person all the time. The vehicle lights are mainly light bars these days and aid the police in various ways. The different colors of the light bars, and its additional lights like takedown lights, alley lights etc. help them in different ways in chasing criminals and focusing on different parts of the road or on another vehicle.
The lights police use on their vehicles are quite effective and have evolved pretty fast from the time they started as two beacons that rested on metal bars together with a couple of stationary lights. Still, the evolution of these vehicle lights appears to be nowhere near the fast evolution of police flashlights, which have been steadily incorporating newer and newer technologies into it.
The lights police carry with them all the time come in different sizes, shapes, and incarnations. In its simplest form it is a handheld light that is good enough to make nights as bright as days for policemen. Its light can be controlled to beam at varying strengths depending upon the need. Since most flashlights use LED bulbs these days, the light is highly directional also, thereby reducing the waste of light.
These handheld lights police use may be as necessary for police during daytime when sun is at its apogee as it is for them at night. The areas, that police have to search, maybe underground cellars, or forests, or hidden enclosures, where sunlight is sparse. Since minute evidences like a strand of hair or a drop of blood is of crucial importance for police, they have to view it in that exact background without disturbing the things around and for that their omnipotent flashlights are important for them.
The lights police use often double as their weapons as well. While a handheld light could be instinctively used as a weapon of assault in the case of an emergency, there are police lights these days, which incorporate a pepper spray into it. That makes it a very effective weapon for mob control. Another modification of police flashlights is the incorporation of a light source into it, which can be used to generate powerful psychedelic colors. With these lights police can effectively disorient a mob or a group of miscreants. As the incorporation of other non-lethal weapons into police lights are also under consideration, the lights police carry may soon become full-fledged weapons, catering to the offense and defense requirements of the police.