How to Keep Ladybugs Out Of a House
- 1). Search out all cracks and openings into your house that a ladybug or asian beetle could fit through. Caulk all that you can, including openings where cable or other lines enter your home, cracks along window sills, and anything you can see light pass through in your attic. Also caulk cracks on the inside of your house.
- 2). Install screens on attic fans or exhaust to also prevent ladybugs or asian beetles coming through. Focus on south and southwest facing walls, ladybugs and asian beetles tend to congregate on those walls. Fix any holes on window screens, or replace if necessary.
- 3). After caulking all possible openings, spray lice spray or other insecticide along all windows, doors, and under eaves. Leave a heavy layer of this bug spray, and try to focus on areas that will not wash off as easily in rain. Again, focus this on south and southwest facing walls to discourage ladybugs and asian beetles from landing and finding openings to squeeze through.
- 4). If ladybugs or asian beetles are still finding their way into your house, insert about the last 8 inches of a leg of pantyhose into the hose of your vacuum cleaner, and secure with a rubber band. The best place to place this is between two sections of hose. Vacuum the ladybugs right up, when finished, tie off pantyhose with rubber bands and discard.